When we allow in the little things, we start opening up our heart to the love all around. As we practice, love becomes our way, our joy, and the firm foundation of all the Abundance in our lives.

EFT Tapping is available right at our fingertips. Isn’t that useful? Because we’re human. We have big and noisy feelings quite often.

To be able to…

  • Restore a sense of safety
  • Know we’re deserving
  • Accept where we are and how we feel
  • Let it be easier so we’re not struggling all the time
  • Celebrate the abundance and thriving we have already
  • Trust in our own resilience
  • And… Allow Love…

WOW. These 7 EFT Tapping scripts have touched on each of these Real Skills. With practiced awareness, we can truly live an emotionally abundant and thriving life. You’re invited to repeat them often and adapt them for yourself.

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