
Our proven Stress Relief on Tap self-paced coaching and tapping program is included with your membership in the Emotional Freedom Circle. The first module is FREE for everyone!

Recent Articles

Eating Your Emotions

Do you find yourself eating when you didn’t mean to? Eating things you didn’t intend to? What if you learned to cover-up and bury emotions with food? In this free video workshop, we use Tapping to release the compulsive need for food to comfort, stuff down, and bury when we feel powerful emotions… and more.

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Beyond Comparison: Your Grace, Your Power

Have you ever caught yourself in that moment of comparison, feeling that twinge of “I’ll never be able to do that”? I want to share how this very human experience can transform how you view these moments.The Primitive vs. Thriving MindOur brain’s primitive comparison system served us well for survival. It quickly assesses: “Am I

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Why Isn’t Money Easier?

Guilt and Shame are so present around money that some people say they don’t have any blocks there… they’s be delighted to be a millionaire! It’s only after digging a bit deeper that they find hidden layers…

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Comparing Yourself to Others

Do you compare yourself to others? Who doesn’t! We’re conditioned by glossy magazines, advertising, fashion models, sports, and high pressure workplaces to compare ourselves to others… and to figure out where we stand on the Ladder of Status. The trap comes when our tribal brain sees someone who is better at something we value than we are.

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Just For A Moment…

Just for a moment… could you let yourself Be?People are focused on Doing. And with all the pressure to do the right thing, feel the right thing, think the right thing… it’s easy to lose ourselves. People become “shoulds” and “musts,” trying to meet the unvoiced expectations of those around them. We become actors in a play that

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Little Things to Help You Feel Loved

Ever notice how changing small things can feel like a bother? Too much work for the reward? Silly example… Whenever I zoom, I put on a bit of makeup. I think the definition makes understanding emotions on video easier. For years I’ve had a scratchy brush to put on blush. Every time I notice the brush is

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Emerging… 4 Steps for Tapping into Courage and Clarity When You Need It

The emotional weather these days feels… unpredictable. Sunny feeling one moment and then with a cold gust of fearfulness — other people’s if not our own. It’s into this that we emerge… and not just now from quarantine and isolation. (Listen and Tap Along)

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Emotional Freedom for All
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