​​​​Rick Wilkes – Gliding Scale Private Coaching & EFT Tapping Support

Rick Wilkes, Emotional Freedom Coach

Do you want to live, laugh, and love with clarity and confidence? …Yes? I do, too! Yet, it is painfully clear that with all of life’s emotional stresses and strains, each of us needs support and tools and skills if we hope to live a thriving life. And that’s my specialty.

Do you have lots of time to spare? …No? Good, I don’t either! It’s why in sessions together we’ll use a simple, quick, and profoundly effective emotional technology — EFT Tapping — to release emotional and physical pain. (If you don’t know how to tap, I’ll show you how. It’s easy.)

I love helping each person find the peace and clarity of their inner YES. Over the past 25 years I’ve worked with thousands from around the world — from 4-year-olds to 90 year-olds and across the spectrum of lifestyle orientations. Today, I call myself an emotional environmentalist. In practical terms, those of us who are stepping up to clean up the emotional world we share are crucial to the well-being of our intimate relationships and our planet.

Does this sound intriguing to you? If so, you can get started today by scheduling a gliding scale session below. If you have questions, email me personally at Rick@Thrivingnow.com. If you’d like to be Thriving, and you’re ready to have expert support and a powerful emotional tool at your fingertips, let’s engage together!

Warm smiles,


Rick Wilkes
Emotional Freedom Coach

Any questions before we get started?

Feel free to email me personally at Rick@Thrivingnow.com. Looking forward to working with you!

Gliding Scale Coaching Sessions
Options & Payment

Thriving Now is a worldwide community with members from diverse backgrounds and economic situations — so it is clear a single “standard price” cannot work equitably. If you choose to work with me, you will pick a gliding scale payment for each session that is generous and balanced for us both from a range of options. You can now pay using your credit card while you are scheduling the session or pay after using credit card or Paypal or pay with Bitcoin. Please do pay the same day you schedule your session. Monthly options are also available.

Visa MasterCard Discover American Express Paypal

50-Minute Private Session Gliding Scale is $280 ~ $130

For each 50-minute coaching session you will choose an amount between $280 (my full rate) and $130 (minimum, except circle members can go as low as $108). What you choose in that range is completely up to you, and it can vary from session to session. I do ask that you pick an amount that feels mutually generous and balanced to you. I'm honored to get a chance to engage with you and any amount in this range works for me. If that works for you, schedule your 50-minute session nowPlease allow up to 60 minutes for the session to allow for closure and any technical issues that arise.

20-Minute Gliding Scale is $140 ~ $65

For each 20-minute coaching session you will choose an amount between $140 (my full rate) and $65 (minimum, except circle members can go as low as $54). What you choose in that range is completely up to you, and it can vary from session to session. I do ask that you pick an amount that feels mutually generous and balanced to you. I'm honored to get a chance to engage with you and any amount in this range works for me. If that works for you, schedule your 20-minute session nowPlease allow up to 30 minutes for the session to allow for closure and any technical issues that arise.

Pay After Scheduling or for Special Cases

To pay by check (U.S. Funds), please make it payable to: Thriving Now LLC, 115 Coachmans Trail, Asheville, NC 28803-9411

For an exceptional coaching value, and a lower minimum for gliding scale sessions, consider joining our Emotional Freedom Circle!

Schedule Now

Schedule with Rick using his online calendar. It's fast and easy:

  1. Pick a session length. 50-minutes is for in-depth work. 20-minutes is perfect for highly focused attention on ONE specific issue. 
  2. Read the instructions on the scheduling form. Make sure the timezone shown matches where you'll be when you have the session. Sessions are offered different days, evenings, and some weekends. We can use Zoom (preferred), Phone, or Skype. An optional recording can be made for your private use at no extra charge. 
  3. Once you finish scheduling, if you still need to pay be sure to do so above.
  4. Help Tips for Our Time Together are shared below.

Helpful Tips for Our Time Together...

I am truly looking forward to our coaching and tapping time together! Here you'll find some helpful tips and some logistical details, too. Be sure to review them so we're all set for your session.

Safety, Respect, and Freedom are core. Here are some of helpful tips for us both to remember as we engage together:
  • Questions are appreciated, anytime (in session and by email).
  • Laughter and tears are welcome here.
  • Your clarity and free choice matter!
  • Ask for what is needed to take care of yourself.
  • Pauses to breathe and ground are a natural part of the process. Ask for one anytime.
  • Do please correct or redirect if anything doesn’t feel congruent and true.
  • Absolutely feel free to change the Tapping words to better fit your feelings and sensations.
  • If something is coming up, share it -- especially if it doesn't "make sense" yet feels important.
It takes courage to be emotionally real. Thank you! I value vulnerability and am honored to be engaged with you in this way.

Now for some Logistical Details for our session(s):
  • Plan to start on time (not early). Let us both use the minutes right before the session begins to ground and focus in.
  • You connect on Zoom or call me by phone right at the start time. 
  • Pay before the session begins (unless we’ve made other arrangements). The gliding scale is designed to make our sessions possible in a way that is generous and balanced for us both.
  • Cancellations are okay! (Even in the first minutes of the session - we’re human! There's no penalty for cancellations.)
  • No Shows are hard. Yes, they happen (RARELY!) The first one in a calendar year is without charge. After the first, any other no shows are charged for a 20-minute session. 
  • Can we tap on that? ~ YES! (Ask for this anytime.)
  • Recordings are optional and free and right for most people (but not for everyone). Let me know on the session booking form or at the beginning of the session if you want to record it (otherwise it won't be). If we make a recording, you decide whether you want it by emailing me after the session (within 30 days) and requesting the private audio link.
  • Email me before, after, and in between sessions if that is ever helpful to you. I’m the only one that reads email sent to rick@thrivingnow.com.
  • Our free EFT Tapping guide is here (for you and to share with friends): https://www.thrivingnow.com/tapping/
 My heart holds a profound intention to support you in your physical and emotional well-being. There have been segments of my earlier life that were really rough, where I was absolutely NOT thriving. Certain key people and coaches profoundly supported me through those times, and they helped me get grounded and clear and bring up my energy to move forward. It's why I was drawn to this work 28 years ago... and I'm even more excited now about Emotional Freedom For All and what it can mean for you, for me, and for this world we share.

Along the way, one of my roles as a coach is to help make it easier for you to quiet the inner noise and suffering, know your own clarity, and cultivate the emotional resilience and skills to live a Thriving Life YOUR Way. <smile> As we go forward, I'm especially curious to learn:

What would "Thriving" look and feel like for you? 

Just email me and let me know! Other questions are welcome, too.

Looking forward to engaging with you,

Questions Are Welcome!

As an Emotional Freedom Coach and Trauma and Pain Relief Specialist with over 28 years of experience, Rick Wilkes uses intuition and a deep understanding of human nature to bring relief, clarity, and insight to those looking for a Thriving Life Now. He delights in co-creating with clients in over 77 countries through Zoom, phone, and internet.

Connecting body, mind, and spirit, he helps clients in private sessions and in his group coaching programs to move out of suffering to a place where they begin to feel surprisingly calm and confident. From there he teaches them how to shift to vibrational states of THRIVING in every respect… physically vital, emotionally free, financially abundant, and spiritually connected to Source… and enjoy feeling light, playful, eager, and curious!

Rick lives and loves in Asheville, North Carolina where he can be found doing contact improv dance and playing river otter in the pristine streams of the surrounding mountains.

Rick Wilkes – Rick@Thrivingnow.com
– Emotional Freedom Coach
– Over 8800 clients served
– Expert in EFT Tapping
– West Virginia Licensed Massage Therapist (WV #2006-2011)
– Ordained Interfaith Minister
– “I am earnestly devoted Emotional Freedom for All so each of us gets to know what it means to be Thriving Now!”

What our clients say…

In-person coaching sessions: Email me for in-person session possibilities in Asheville, NC.

Rick Wilkes
Emotional Freedom Coach

Any questions before we get started?

Feel free to email me personally at Rick@Thrivingnow.com. Looking forward to working with you!

  • I just heard Rick’s free audio, “No, I won’t”(?),and found it a real answer to my motivation/procrastination problem.  It’s really an authority problem and keeps me from obeying my superego even when I want to!  It’s wonderful for me!     Ruth

  • Hi, Rick, can’t find a place on this site to contact you – wanted to know if you’d be interested in doing an interview with me on tapping and kids and education? Thanks, Jondi Whitis

  • So grateful to have found you..

    I feel much love here.
    I look forward to having a session with you very soon.

    Kind regards,

  • LivDelicious says:

    So much clarity and guidance in one person! Amazing you are Rick! Thank you for being clear and playful and awesome!

  • I have been asking Rick and Cathy for support for over 10 years now (just realised!) and honestly, I wouldn’t have known how to go on at times without this help and guidance! Rick has this ability to make me laugh and cry insanely all at once, a sign that all that seems locked up within is whirling around and coming to the surface to be healed. I cannot thank you enough!

  • Thank you for providing the “gliding scale”. My heart celebrates the opportunity to work with you. 🙂

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