January 6, 2023 by Rick ~ ThrivingNow

NO! You Can’t Make Me!

Emotional Freedom for All
Emotional Freedom for All
NO! You Can't Make Me!

Do you like to be in control? Who doesn’t! Ever since we discovered the power of the word NO as a child, we’ve used NO to keep away that which we don’t want… or at least that is the theory.

When we demonstrate our own personal power to resist and say NO, we feel in control. And that feels good. Yet, sometimes we resist that which is our own stated best interest. We say NO to ourselves! We say NO to our own positive choices.

There is nothing wrong with “NO.” We all need to be able to say NO and mean it. And we want to have the emotional freedom to say YES! to life as well. The suffering comes when NO fights with YES within the same mind. My mind. Your mind.

Most of the time, we get really upset with ourselves when we say we want one thing but our behaviors demonstrate we’re actually saying NO. Instead of getting angry, what if we have some fun with this conflict?  What happens if we love and accept ourselves even with the conflict? What if we use curiosity and playfulness rather than deep seriousness as we tap? Let’s try an experiment and find out. Tap with me as we do some rapid Tapping. (See our free e-book on Learning EFT Tapping if you need to review the tapping points first)

(Side of the Hand - Karate chop) Even though I want to do this, I don’t want to do this, and you can’t make me!

Even though I don’t want to do this, and I want to do this, and I can’t make me, I’m okay anyway!

Even though I don’t wanna and I do and I don’t and I will and I won’t and NO NO NO NO NO! You can’t make me! I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway!

(Top of head) No! You can’t make me!
(Eyebrow) I don’t want to!
(Side of eye) Yes, I want to!
(Under eye) No, you don’t!
(Under nose) You can’t make me!
(Chin) No! No! No! No! No!
(Collarbone) Pulleez! Don’t make me!
(Under arm) I have to! I just have to!
(Top of head) I can! I can’t! I will! I won’t! I must! I mustn’t… or I’ll die!

Take a breath…

(Side of the Hand - Karate chop) Even though I am not healthy, I want to be healthy!
Even though I am clearly not healthy, I intend to be healthy!
Even though I am confused about health, I choose to be healthy!

(Eyebrow) No I don’t, and you can’t make me!
(Side of eye) I want to be thin and have lots of energy!
(Under eye) No, I want to be bigger! Comfortable! Fat & happy!
(Under nose) You can’t make me be thin!
(Chin) You can’t make me fat!
(Collarbone) No wonder I’m confused!
(Under arm) You can’t make me be sick! I choose to be in control!
(Top of head) I say YES to health, today, right now!

Take a breath…

(Side of the Hand - Karate chop) Even though I am not wealthy, I want to be wealthy!
Even though I am clearly not wealthy, I intend to be wealthy!
Even though I am conflicted about wealth, I choose to be wealthy!

(Eyebrow) No I don’t, and you can’t make me!
(Side of eye) I want to have lots of money!
(Under eye) No, I want to be poor. I love debt! Who would I be without bills I can’t pay?
(Under nose) You can’t make me have money!
(Chin) You can’t stop me from making lots of money!
(Collarbone) I am so torn!
(Under arm) You can’t make me be poor! I choose to be in control!
(Top of head) I say YES to wealth, today, right now!

Take a breath…

(Side of the Hand - Karate chop) Even though I’ve been stuck, I want to live my dreams!
Even though I’m not taking enough action, I intend to live my dreams!
Even though I’m stuck and it’s my fault, I choose to live my dreams anyway!

(Eyebrow) No I don’t, and you can’t make me!
(Side of eye) I want live a fulfilling life!
(Under eye) No, I want to be miserable and lonely!!
(Under nose) You can’t make me have joy!
(Chin) You can’t stop me from living my dreams!
(Collarbone) I’ve been so stuck!
(Under arm) You can’t make me stay stuck! I choose to be in control!
(Top of head) I say YES to life, love, and peace… and to the biggest and best I can be, today, right now!

Take a breath…

(Side of the Hand - Karate chop) Even though I’ve been arguing with myself, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me.
Even though I’ve been saying NO to myself, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me.
Even though I’ve been focused on being in control rather than being creative and flexible, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me.

(Eyebrow) It’s okay to say No.
(Side of eye) It’s okay to say Yes!
(Under eye) I’m sick and tired of saying Yes and No at the same time!
(Under nose) I’ve decided to be clear.
(Chin) It’s okay to be safe, and say Yes.
(Collarbone) It’s my choice.
(Under arm) I’m in control.
(Top of head) I love feeling safe, free, and in control of what I choose for my life, today, right now.

Take a deep breath…  and another…  and one more big one…

Now, say to yourself in your best imitation of a three-year-old: “No! You can’t make me!”

Does it feel different now? Is there a sense of silliness to it?? You can make it silly. You can choose to make all your indecisions silly, a comedy of confusion. And in the deep breaths that follow after you use EFT Tapping on the confusion and resistance, ask yourself for your truth.  And put your YES! energy behind your truth. What Dad told you, what Mom showed you, and what society insists is ultimately just noise, distracting us from hearing the voice of our Higher Self.

I believe that in your heart, you can connect with the highest truth of Who You Are. You will know it by a feeling of YES!, a profoundly beautiful feeling in the center of your being that guides and nurtures your optimal energy and health from a source of love. Even if you don’t feel it yet, it’s there. And it is worth saying YES! to… if that is your choice. No one can make you, except you.

[Originally written March 7, 2006]

  • I liked that I can connect with the highest truth of who and how I am-Yes! 

  • I wasn`t completely happy w/ my life, some things are good, but  saying it sucks, sure brings that idea much forward in realization that to be reminded I`m not living my DREAMS! why even at first, my conscious mind w/ in denial that I needed to tap on this very issue, (no no no) once I realized tho, I went tapping on it, turns out I needed this script very much, & is exactly what I need too, love this, I can see how this can make us so UNSTUCK!!  Heartfelt gratitude to you both, Cathy & Rick,  your scripts are right to the point of the issues. You guys ROCK!!

  • I wasn`t completely happy w/ my life, some things are good, but  saying it sucks, sure brings that idea much forward in realization that to be reminded I`m not living my DREAMS! why even at first, my conscious mind w/ in denial that I needed to tap on this very issue, (no no no) once I realized tho, I went tapping on it, turns out I needed this script very much, & is exactly what I need too, love this, I can see how this can make us so UNSTUCK!!  Heartfelt gratitude to you both, Cathy & Rick,  your scripts are right to the point of the issues. You guys ROCK!!

  • Ana nazareno says:

    I can not quite understand the meaning of: YOu cant make me! is is something like you cant push me?, please, try to explain this to me and lots of thanks for your wonderful EFTS….

  • Thanks, this really helps me because I am in a situation that my body emotions says yes to life and health and says no to the cancer doctors tomorrow who are trying to get me into more chemo-therapy! Standing my ground about my life and body being mine to choose freely without their imposing and patronizing me with their propaganda. After 5 months of this murderous treatment I have contacted the true healer in my body thru EFT, this caused me to seek alternatives, and that brought me in touch with a naturopathiic oncologist who has started giving me the nutrition and vitamins and supplements to heal from this cancer. I have wrestled emotionally for several weeks about this and this audio is the frosting on the cake I needed for tomorrow, thanks!

  • Thank you just what I needed . I feel more at peace every day. 

  • Beanerbop1 says:

    I am so depressed and full of anxiety, and I made my anxiety worse tapping and talking while tapping about all that is bothering me.  I started to get so frustrated my anxiety hit the roof.  I have no insurance and I used to have a counselor who was an EFT practitioner, and he really helped.  I have not been able to see him since December 2010.  I like this, but I need the one on one guidance (and someone to tap with.  I was laid off work because of budget cuts June the 30th.  I am really struggling. Right now I don’t think  i am in the right frame of mind to work. I have no motivation or creativitity because anxiety gets in the way. 

    • Beanerbop1 :
      I know just how you feel! ( Well maybe not JUST, but I can really identify with what you shared. I, too, need the one on one handholding when I tap. It just feels so much better and I take to it like a puppy to warm milk. Some of us are coming from some pretty traumatic wounding and its a challenge to tap on our own. For me it’s self abandonment – I am much better at showing up for other people. Having said that, I do find Rick and Cathy’s scripts very easy to follow and I appreciate them very much.
      How are you now? Maybe we could support each other.
      Loving nurturing energy being sent your way………

  • Goldcat_4 says:

    thanks.it was just what i needed. its ok for me to be confused and ask myself whats my truth.

  • Thanks so much for the script, as a beginner, the scripts are so helpful, on the dot and to the point and totally relevant. :).  

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