September 7, 2024 by Thriving Now

Eating Your Emotions

Eating Your Emotions


Eating Your Emotions 1Do you find yourself eating when you didn’t mean to? Eating things you didn’t intend to?

What if you learned to cover-up and bury emotions with food?

What we eat can have a powerful effect on our mood and energy. As children, the only “drug” we have access to is usually food.

Hi, I’m Cathy and I learned at 5-years-old that I could bury pain and hurt in Cocoa Puffs.

I thought I’d worked through so much of the emotions and trauma, yet I found a whole buried pocket of anger when I finally got the courage to look at why I wasn’t treating my body well, even after all the work I did. Here’s a quick introduction video we did for you…

If you have challenges around how you treat your body and what you eat, we invite you to join us for the free video workshop: Eating Your Emotions!

We cover:

  • How being reactive to feelings and emotions can make it impossible to treat your body well long term.
  • How going from reactive and afraid mindset to an Adult responsive frame can give you power and choice you never thought you’d have.
  • Tapping to release the compulsive need for food to comfort, stuff down, and bury when we feel powerful emotions.
  • Guidance on how to be with the feelings you’ve been avoiding for a lifetime without imploding or feeling like you’ll break.

We’re not suggesting you have to be “perfect” and always eat like an “Adult.” We are inviting you to step into a more empowered and conscious approach that allows you to nourish your body and enjoy your meals rather than escaping from your body and into your meals.

Would you now help us by commenting below? For example, you could answer this: “Emotional eating is a reaction I have to…? (what kinds of specific situations, emotions, thoughts)” or ask a question to Cathy and Rick. Thanks!

Recorded Saturday, April 27, 2019

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  • For me I know there is a craving that arises for cake when a part of my brain (the decider of what to do next) gets overwhelmed. Knowing that is a trigger helps me adapt, get myself some warm protein to soothe my system, and drop into a deeper, simpler “what feels right for the next 2-10 minutes?” approach to my work.

    What are your triggers and how would you like to adapt?

  • While listening, I wrote notes about thoughts and feelings that came up. A few times, I had this strong urge to leave the desk, to eat, to drink, anything that “fills” me and diverted from listening to you :(. I did leave and ate but I persevered in coming back!
    There were so many ideas and thoughts I heard you say that resonated and I wrote down a tapping session for me to do.
    In the past, when I’ve attempted to approach this habit to “fill” myself (didn’t matter what it was) I felt utterly oblivious about the reasons, the underlying emotions. Today, it was the first time ever, that at first a memory came up and then a thought occurred: When I ate, I was safe. Not eating, or not liking food was punished and berated. I watched my siblings being punished severely for not eating. I ate and was left alone, I was safe. Wow! I got something to work with! Thank you!

    • Wow, indeed! An awareness like that can really help target our work and help us feel compassion towards the child who needed to be safe and found a way to be… that carried into adulthood, too.

      Really appreciate you sharing your intuition and clarity with us. ~Rick

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