March 27, 2020 by Thriving Now

Gary Craig – EFT Manual –

Gary Craig - EFT Manual - 1

Update: Gary Craig retired in June 2010 and released EFT into the public domain.

Gary Craig was the creator of EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques. I spent countless hours studying Gary’s EFT Video Series (all the sets), reading his free EFT manual and newsletters, and attending workshops where Gary worked on-stage with individuals with a broad range of physical and emotional challenges. Learning from such a master of the art of emotional freedom was a wonderful experience for me, as it was for thousands of other professionals and motivated individuals.

Of all the energy therapies (and there are dozens), EFT is the most widely applied and is gaining the most interest. Why? It’s simple. It’s effective. It’s long-lasting. It’s empowering. EFT truly is emotional self-care.

We have an entire section here on to help you Learn EFT including a concise Quick Start Tapping Guide – EFT Manual.

Want to learn more? Get your free guide to getting started with tapping (EFT).

We have free Tapping (EFT) newsletters on using Tapping for many subjects. See the sign-up form at the bottom of this article.

A wide selection of EFT coaching products can be purchased in our Thriving Now Store and an abundance of free stuff is also available.

Additional Recommended EFT Resources

Pain Relief with EFT is perfect if you want to take a vibrational, energetic approach to both physical and emotional pain relief.

For money issues (and attracting abundance), weight loss, addictions, and improving your eyesight, I recommend EFT Master Carol Look’s products.

For a powerful documentary following a group of people as they use EFT as part of a healing journey, I recommend The Tapping Solution (click to read review and see preview). I was one of the EFT experts who lead the group, and the documentary also includes information on why the energetic (emotional) approach is so crucial to a thriving life!

Want to learn more? Get your free guide to getting started with tapping (EFT).

  • I’m from Brazil, I love EFT.
    Thank You, Gary.

  • Kjkolberg says:

    how does the institute of mental health look at this process.. as iv’e been investigating this modality i’ve talked to two different therapist  that haven’t heard of this technique. is it widely used in the us and do you know of nayone in michigan that has had success with it.. is there a group or a directory of practitioners in the country/states.??

    • There are mental health professionals that are excited about tapping and have used it with thousands of clients to great effect. And their are people who cannot imagine how or why it would work and reject it as being quackery. (Just being straight with you). and are two sites that might help you here. Let me know if you need anything else. -Rick

  • Terence Goldsmith says:

    My friend was Marine and has suffered with PTSD for an extended period of time.  His wife is distraught with worry and concern has turned to me as he has got gradually worse as time has goes by!  He recently went on a rampage about town harming no one but causing damage He was admitted to the hospital and released…but has since threatened to “solve the world’s problems by any means necessary”.   As  we live on a small island with very little professionals in this field can EFT help him. 

    • EFT has been shown to be effective with PTSD. If your friend is interested, there are some good resources on using tapping with PTSD. There are some trauma DVDs that Carol Look offers specifically around veterans.   While you want the best for your friend I know, sometimes tapping for your reaction and helping his wife understand what is going on can be a best start. We have a trauma relief center here with some good, BASIC information. 

      We’ll hold a Good Thought for you all!

  • Gary, your work is monumental….so is your integrity and aultruism.
    Alex from Malta

  • Gary Craig is a world wonder!  I first purchased the videos in 1999, the entire sets of processes, testimonials, pdfs, everything.  I was not ready for it.  I used it for myself but dared not use it for my clients at first because it was so simple that I thought they wouldn’t get it. I cleared myself for that and began using it as my primary tool.  I am so grateful to him and all those who have taken this to the limitless sky.

  • Hi Can you tell me if it is possible to get hold of copies of Gary’s training videos? Thanks

  • I heard that Kaiser Permanante in Walnut Creek California is doing a study on EFT for pain management.  It’s a start.

  • Has EFT ever been used for Afib?

    • I’ve certainly heard of people using Tapping to control their stress and anxiety level, both of which can contribute to heart rhythm challenges.

  • lisa naylor says:

    I have found EFT to be the best tool to reduce my anxiety and feelings of being stuck.

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