July 3, 2011 by Cathy Vartuli

My Life Sucks!

I have a lot of stuff coming up lately. I keep hearing the phrase “My life sucks” running through my head like a broken record. — Jennifer

So just tap on it!

Karate Chop: Even though is sucks to be me, I’m open to finding a way to accept myself… even while life sucks.

Top of the Head: This sucks!
Eyebrow: My life sucks!
Side of the Eye: It SUCKS to be me!
Under the Eye: That’s all there is to it.
Under the Nose: My life sucks.
Chin: It SUCKS!
Collarbone: My life sucks, and that’s the truth!
Under the Arm: No getting around it, my life sucks!

Top of the Head: My life sucks.
Eyebrow: But what if I can find some things to enjoy anyway?
Side of the Eye: No I can’t!
Under the Eye: My life sucks!
Under the Nose: For really good reasons.
Chin: You’d agree.
Collarbone: My life sucks and that’s never going to change.
Under the Arm: I might as well accept it.

Top of the Head: This is where I am.
Eyebrow: I can’t see a way out.
Side of the Eye: Can I?
Under the Eye: If I accept that my life sucks…
Under the Nose: And stop spending my energy fighting that…
Chin: What can I do to make it a little bit better?
Collarbone: My life sucks…
Under the Arm: But what if I could enjoy it a little bit anyway?
Top of the Head: It does suck, and it feels good to stop fighting it for right now.

Take a deep breath.

When we RESIST, we spend a lot of energy trapping ourselves right where we are. And please know we’re not judging you. We resist, too! But if we can just start where we are, accept where we are, sometimes we can see things a new way.

A lot of people are afraid to honestly acknowledge when life sucks. They think the Law of Attraction will bring more of the sucking stuff. But when we resist, our subconscious is broadcasting the sucking vibration far louder and more constantly than our conscious brain can focus on good stuff.

So stop. Notice where you really are. And Tap! It will help you get in alignment. Once you’re in alignment, not trying to bounce back into denial, it is possible to see things differently. And by tapping, we can shift our subconscious to a new place… so our whole being can ask for the good stuff… without all the sucking sounds.

Does that make sense? Repeat the tapping above, with variations as feel right, as many times as you need to. Sometimes we need to spend a day or two feeling sucky before we’re ready to see new options.

If you’re still feeling stuck in suck after the tapping, we recommend listening and tapping along with this audio. It’s made a difference for thousands of people:

NO! You Can’t Make Me!


  • A lot of people are afraid to honestly acknowledge when life sucks. They think the Law of Attraction will bring more of the sucking stuff. But when we resist, our subconscious is broadcasting the sucking vibration far louder and more constantly than our conscious brain can focus on good stuff.

  • Marisol Perez says:

    This is great and very on time for me. I’m SURE I’ll shift and change. I love tapping and I always find something new that I hadn’t thought about before …and it always works. God bless you!

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