February 19, 2015 by Thriving Now

EFT Tapping Tips: To Get You Started

When people first start tapping, there are some common blocks they run into. Here are a few tips to get you started:

EFT Tapping Tip: I Don’t Know What To Tap On

EFT Tapping Tip: I Keep Judging Myself!

EFT Tapping Tip: I Can’t Say “I Love and Accept Myself”!

We have additional EFT Tapping Examples and Tips, too. (Click to see the index.)

Just the Beginning!

Our Introductory Guide to Energy Tapping (EFT) is just a taste of what is possible. (Get it now… FREE… by entering your email address in the box to the right.)

Just as there is much more that you can do with computers than just send email, there is SO much more that Tapping can do for you when applied artfully to specific areas of your life.

Isn’t that exciting? We love having such a tool for personal transformation right at our fingertips.

It’s also okay… even encouraged… to TEAM UP!

It’s easy to rub your own belly… harder to rub your own back. Find Partners! The best practitioners in this field tap with others. We do!

Consider this… If you have negative life experiences that still feel emotionally painful years later, chances are they were traumatic back then because you felt… alone, unsupported, unprotected, unsafe.

If you find someone to be there with you now as you tap… to radiate supportive and compassionate love combined with professional-level skill and emotional strength… well, wouldn’t that would have made all the difference back then…?

It will make all the difference now, too.

There are many talented people who do this work. Worldwide. And tapping is just as effective over the phone or by video conference as in person… sometimes even more. You’re not limited in finding support, no matter where you live.

We’d love to team up with you. If you like our style and are considering working with us, we’re honored and delighted. You can drop us an email right now if you’re ready to begin. We also welcome specific questions to help you get clear about the next steps that are right for you.

If you enjoyed this information, we invite you to sign up for our free newsletters so we can continue the dialogue.

We offer powerful coaching products to help you engage and clear specific problems:

Cathy and Rick offer private sessions as well on a limited basis.

Come! Join Our Group!And we have an exceptional Group Coaching Program. Over the past seven years we’ve mastered how to help you clear your blocks. We’ve co-created an environment where you can feel surprisingly safe and supported, regardless of your past.

We make it fast, easy, and affordable, too. In 2 minutes you could be logging in and starting on your road to love, laughter, and expressing your authentic gifts! Is it time for you to take action?

Join us now.

We so want you to feel empowered to change your life, to expand your well-being, and to create the dreams within you that have been yearning to be set free. We’d welcome you as a part of our team, and we hold a Good Thought for you, always and all ways.

Warmest Wishes for a Thriving Life,

Cathy & Rick

Cathy Vartuli & Rick Wilkes
Emotional Freedom Coaches
Thriving Now Team

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