Just for a moment… could you let yourself Be?People are focused on Doing. And with all the pressure to do the right thing, feel the right thing, think the right thing… it’s easy to lose ourselves. People become “shoulds” and “musts,” trying to meet the unvoiced expectations of those around them. We become actors in a play that

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What’s the smallest act of courage you can imagine taking right now?Does it seem too small to matter? Does it feel like it wouldn’t be big enough to make a difference? What if that simple, small act, was the beginning of a beautiful new life? My smallest act of courage was realizing no one was going to rescue

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The natural vitality and joy that is already there inside you can bubble out when more of your energy isn’t being sucked up and stuffed down because of fear. How would your life be better if you could reclaim that joy?

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Do you ever wish that the eternal inner conflict would just *shut up*?! Or have you gotten so used to it that you forget how much energy it takes up? Honestly, when I started this work, I was so used to the inner conflict and the self-criticism that I didn’t even recognize it as a problem. I

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Fear of disappointment can FREEZE people in their tracks! The fear of someone saying no can stop people from asking for what they want. Do you feel hesitant or afraid of being hurt when you…

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Join us for our one hour training on “When Your Fears Get In The Way of Making a Difference.” You can register with one click for the recording. Our primitive brain was designed to keep us safe. Yet, it can put the parking brake on — even when we want to emerge into making a

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Do you feel trapped in your mind with negative thoughts and stories? Those powerful thoughts can overwhelm, deplete, and shatter our confidence and sense of safety. They literally mug us and build fear and disempowerment. Last time I talked about the difference between being in Victim, Survivor, and Thriver Modes and what a person in each

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What makes you feel safe? What if you could trigger that safe feeling more easily? Let’s explore this together… Okay… So when you reach for safety, what do you reach for? Write down the first thing you think of (food, a hug from a certain person, your bed, your pet, or your credit card)

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Ever been stuck… Not sure what the right decision is? It’s a horrible feeling. I don’t know about you, but my brain can suck every ounce of energy out of my life trying to find a solution. The anxiety of not being able to decide feels awful. How do you decide? How do you break

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Are your emotions CONTAGIOUS? Mine certainly were, and I didn’t understand why. I’d be sitting ALONE in my office, far away from everyone else in the building. There would be a software bug, and POW! I would feel this surge of emotion. Anger. Frustration. Rage at the ridiculousness of wasting so much time on a

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