June 15, 2023 by Rick ~ ThrivingNow

Connection is a Nutrient

by Rick Wilkes

My connection to my tribes nourishes me. We share the intentions of True Thriving: engagement… co-creation… authentic self-expression… safe and respectful communication… playfulness and laughter… freedom…  growing confidence… intuitive self-guidance… affection… appreciation… acceptance… transparency… Love.

Who are my tribe members? Well, YOU are… if you share these intentions.

bigstock-happy-group-of-friends-making--13618094I’m Rick. Pleased to meet you. <smile>

Yeah, I know. We’ve probably not met in person (yet!). And I may or may not know your name (yet!). But in my world, our tribe is determined by the intentions we mutually share, by the energies we exchange with each other… and by the kinds of experiences our engagement makes possible.

Alone. Paired. Or TOGETHER.

I can dance by myself. Or I can find a single partner. Or, I can dance with my tribe.

All three are perfectly valid and wonderful ways to dance, right? Yet, dancing in a room with others with whom you share an intention and openness is, in my experience, exquisitely different than dancing in my living room all by myself.

Healing is no different.

Personal growth is the same.

We CAN do both on our own. In solitude.

What I know now is how warm and safe it feels to be healing while in the presence of other engaged hearts. And how awesome it can be to celebrate our growth and personal victories with people who understand the utter GLORY of, for example, “simply” saying NO to your mother for the first time in your life, or saying YES to an invitation that would have previously terrified you, or drawing your first picture since childhood and sharing it with a group you now consider Family.

Connection is a nutrient. So is love.

These nutrients come to us through engagement with others. Of course, we can love our Self. We can connect with our inner source of guidance and empowerment. These are great places to start.

For those of us who are lover-types, for whom co-creation and community are core to our well-being, insufficient Tribe Time leaves us feeling like there is something missing: the essential, life-enhancing nutrient of Connection.

When I started the Thriving Now Team seven years ago, it was with a vision that people looking for a circle of support would find a safe space to heal and grow within our tribe. I hoped that people would join, engage, express themselves with emotional honesty and safe vulnerability, and discover that our hearts, energy, and good intentions can stay CONNECTED always and everywhere.

I feel blessed that so many have come together over time to share such experiences. I get to co-create every day with my best friend and business partner Cathy Vartuli. I get to engage deeply with amazing people every day. And I believe with all my heart that if you are still with me here, if you didn’t run away at the sight of words like engagement and playfulness and love and co-creation, that we’re already tribe mates… and I’m here to serve and welcome you in key ways.

To peak your interest about these notions…
To give you new ideas to play with…
To inspire you to explore new spaces, places, and groups…

And to personally invite you to join us… to join our Thriving Tribe. Replenish yourself with our energy. Take in a healthy dose of the nutrients of connection, acceptance, and safe sharing. It’s what we do… and it’s Who We Are as a group. Cathy and I are coaches and facilitators. It is the tribe that makes the experience POSSIBLE. You joining us opens up new possibilities for connection and adds your individuality to our diversity.


If it is a YES! for you to join us as a first-time member, I’ll “meet you at the door” with a 20-minute session by phone or Skype, just the two of us. Indeed, I’m looking forward to it!

Tapping: Expanding Your Tribe

I know what it feels like to feel isolated and without like-minded people around you. Let’s do some tapping to clear some of those heavy, icky energies! (Learn about EFT Tapping herehttps://www.thrivingnow.com/tapping)

Karate chop: Even though I’ve felt isolated, and that I didn’t fit in, I am opening to new possibilities now.

Even though I felt like they rejected me… I’ve decided to honor the fact that I WANT to be selective in who I spend my life around.

Even though at times I’ve been excluded and unsupported by those around me… I am open to exploring new spaces and places and groups that are likely a MUCH better fit for the thriving life I intend for myself.

Top of the Head: I crave connection.
Eyebrow: Heart-centered presence.
Side of the Eye: Co-creation.
Under the Eye: Love!
Under the Nose: A heaping plate…
Chin: Full of Acceptance.
Collarbone: I’ve been looking for my tribe members.
Under the Arm: That’s been a lonely struggle at times.

Top of the Head: But I’m not alone.
Eyebrow: It’s a big world.
Side of the Eye: I can reach out and connect.
Under the Eye: My tribe doesn’t have to live with me.
Under the Nose: I’ve lived with people…
Chin: Who are NOT in my tribe.
Collarbone: It’s okay to expand my reach.
Under the Arm: To accept invitations… and MAKE them, too.

Top of the Head: I’m ready to expand my tribe.
Eyebrow: I’m looking for more playmates.
Side of the Eye: I’m ready for more creativity.
Under the Eye: I love seeing new options.
Under the Nose: My tribe is waiting for me.
Chin: There’s room for me in the circle.
Collarbone: It’s even okay to bring my doubts.
Under the Arm: And my fears. We all have them.
Top of the Head: I’m ready to enhance my life through Connection.

Take a deep breath.

I really do hope you enjoyed that Tapping as much as I did! I also want to make it clear that YOUR tribe is waiting for YOU. They long for your engagement, contribution, and dance as much as you want them. Finding them? Well, that can be a journey. Tapping can help clear the blocks. Searching a site like meetup.com (which lists over 340,000 (!) monthly meetings) can be a start. Knowing that there are literally millions of groups around the world gives me a sense of abundance. Tapping helps give me a sense of hope.

For many people over the past 7 years, the Thriving Now Circle has filled a key role. It has been a starting point for some. For others a place for life-changing healing over a few months visit. For others a continued connection to awesome people who become like family.

Each day team members show each other that we are not alone with our big desires, scary fears, physical stresses, and emotional challenges. We demonstrate in a real-world way how some people can actually be accepting! Once you have that experience of unconditional love, it is one you take with you out into the rest of your life. You feel empowered to share that with others… and cultivate vibrant connections with your tribe. I’m deeply grateful and proud of our group and what we do in the world. I thank you for being the kind of person to share our intentions.

Warmest best wishes,


  • lotusrose says:

    Connection is a nutrient. So is love.
    I guess this is an automated email as I am a member now for several years.
    And i am sure you didn’t design it with me only in mind. But thanks for the
    perfect tapping script for me.
    I don’t feel this way all the time, and feel very connected often, but then
    something real or imagined will start a descent into very intense feelings of
    isolation, and feelings of being I’ve been excluded and unsupported
    by those around me… .
    Tapping with this great script for guided me towards a positive shift and
    made me feel really ready to enhance my life through more Connection

    • Oh definitely, Love is a nutrient, too. And thank you for all you’ve added to the tribe (including feedback like this). Warm hugs, Rick

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