​​​​Learn EFT Tapping

Activate an Emotionally Stronger You with Our Free EFT Tapping Course – 

Discover Your Path to Relief, Cultivate Resilience, and Nurture Your Inner Strength

Experience swift and effective relief with EFT Tapping, a technique designed to ease stress, anxiety, and emotional discomfort. EFT offers a practical approach to overcoming daily challenges, from unsettling thoughts to deep-rooted beliefs.

Connect with your inner clarity and power and transform procrastination into inspired action. Our EFT Tapping approach (refined over two decades) is your tool for clearing the way to abundance, meaningful relationships, and vibrant health.

Begin your tapping journey with our user-friendly guide. It includes:

  • A straightforward introduction to EFT Tapping's roots and methods.
  • Practical applications for both emotional and physical well-being.
  • A clear diagram of the EFT Tapping Points and easy-to-follow steps.
  • Real-life examples to kickstart your practice.
  • Guidance to start confidently, clearing away the confusion or self-doubt.
  • Access to more resources and solutions.
  • Start experiencing relief in just minutes!

Claim your complimentary copy now as our welcome gift. Simply use the form or find it on the Amazon Kindle store for easy access.

Plus, receive our bonus e-book, 7 Tapping Scripts for a Thriving Life, along with other enriching tapping resources in your inbox.

We value your feedback and are here to answer any questions at support@thrivingnow.com.

Learn EFT Tapping 1

Rick & Cathy
Emotional Freedom Coaches

Is PAIN getting in your way?

Whether it's emotional distress, physical pain, fear & anxiety, worry, past trauma, active disease, stress, overwhelm... or a painful combination! Get Relief Now

Looking for a savvy, personalized approach for your unique challenges?

Rick's personal coaching offers a savvy and effective way to navigate your emotional challenges. Each session is private, focused on your unique situations, and is quick to get to the heart of your needs in a time and money-efficient way. Learn more and schedule your gliding scale session right right here. Rick's personal inbox is open at Rick@Thrivingnow.com.

Learn EFT Tapping 2

Eager for a more financially rewarding life?

Emotions and beliefs play a pivotal role in our financial health. Our EFT Tapping scripts are crafted to promote significant shifts in self-worth and confidence, key elements for financial abundance. We invite you to explore and tap along with this e-book. It's our free gift towards your Abundant and Thriving Life to come!

Tired of "going it alone" ?

Doing emotional work solo can feel... painfully alone and HARD (even for the most fiercely independent). Why? Because healing is designed to "wait" until we're sufficiently safe and supported. 

There is power in sharing knowledge, skills, and experience. It's why our Emotional Freedom Circle gathers together to support each other and to thrive in this interconnected world… while always preserving our own freedom to make choices that are right for us individually.

Group engagement actually helps us develop greater clarity for our own personal life (your ME-space) while also gaining savvy with co-creating (our WE-space).

Circle membership is surprisingly affordable. We offer low monthly payments, a one-time gliding scale payment, and even scholarships.

That said, if your independent streak is intense enough that you really don't want to learn from other people's life experiences, other people make you intensely impatient or frustrated, or you want to focus solely on what's alive for you and you alone, we recommend private sessions instead.

Do you have EFT Tapping courses for...?

We have self-paced courses for diverse aspects of Thriving and Emotional Freedom. Some are free. Many others are included with circle membership. Others are available on a gliding scale. Check them out below:

All courses...
  • All courses...
  • Topics
  • Circle Members
  • Find Relief
  • Emotional Freedom
  • Clarity
  • Love & Relationships
  • Access restrictions
  • Free / Donation
  • Circle Members / Premium
  • Premium
  • Members Only

Free / Donation

EFT Tapping can bring you quick, effective RELIEF from stress, anxiety, overwhelm, pain and suffering, distressing thoughts, disturbing memories, and limiting beliefs.

Free / Donation

Is PAIN getting in your way? Get relief now from emotional distress, physical pain, fear & anxiety, worry, past trauma, active disease, stress, overwhelm...

Free / Donation

Building the clarity, skills, and energy needed to feel what we most want to feel... True Emotional Freedom!

Members Only

Circle Members have access to an abundance of resources including regular circle zoom sessions, self-paced coaching courses, real skills workshops, and an extensive audio and tapping library.

Circle Members / Premium

Put Calm Confidence at Your Fingertips ~ Want to build resiliency in your life when you face intense stress…?

Circle Members / Premium

We show you how the brain stores trauma and teach you a powerful way to release old childhood fears and beliefs so you can feel more confident and in control of what you do, think, and feel now.

Circle Members / Premium

Tired of struggling to get to sleep? Quiet The Inner Noise and Recharge Your Energy!

Circle Members / Premium

It's like having an energy medicine cabinet at your fingertips. EFT Tapping brings relief to your body and mind...

Circle Members / Premium

Cast Off Ancestral Shackles and Create Abundance Now! Release inner conflict and naturally and confidently transform your relationship with money...

Circle Members / Premium

Discern what are the YES Steps in any situation… even the ones that look impossibly ugly on the surface. Make clear choices by tapping into all your deeply personal sources of Wisdom and Guidance...

Circle Members / Premium

Release the Blocks to Self-Expression and Recognition. If you’re wanting to express yourself and be recognized for the Being you truly are…

Circle Members / Premium

Overwhelm keeps us from knowing how to direct our energy in pleasing, loving, and effective ways. Now you can shift easily from chronic Overwhelm to Clarity.


Take The Parking Brake Off Your Life! Transform and align your brain so that you start getting more meaningful and fulfilling things done, in less time, while having more fun!


It's time to clear the inner emotional conflicts that are keeping you stuck to your clutter. If you want more simplicity, more space, more freedom...


Break out and start a new way of engaging with people you love in a safe, empowered way. You can allow affection. You can feel safe, and you can start doing that now!


Release Your Traumas and Change Your Life with EFT and Trauma experts Carol Look, Rick Wilkes, and Sue Beer...

Free / Donation

Each concept is a living idea that transforms our thinking, molds our beliefs, and gives us the power to navigate and thrive in a world full of choices.

Why do you offer a gliding scale?

Thriving Now is a worldwide community with members from diverse backgrounds and economic situations — so it is clear from just that reality that a single “standard price” cannot work equitably.

And there's more to it...

Many people suffer from the stress of financial pressures, and it can seem that their "worth" in the world is determined by their capacity to earn money. I know, ridiculous, right? And yet, I've felt it. You probably have felt it, too. I don't know many people who are immune to this systemic, cultural pressure and valuation. It ends up warping what a person feels they "deserve" to spend on their own well-being. 

So... gliding scale in the emotional world isn't just about how much money someone can "afford" when you look at their bank account. It goes to how much someone feels they can "allow" themselves to spend. It's... complicated.

It's also so dear to my heart and my own life experience to make emotional freedom accessible that I'll continue to explore how best to structure what Thriving Now offers in a way that supports my clients... while also supporting my partner and our children.

Which leads us to your choice: When you join the Emotional Freedom Circle, schedule a private session with Rick, or purchase a self-paced course... you'll pick a gliding scale within the range offered. It's my intention that your choice feels generous to you. Meaning, I want you to feel you're getting A LOT OF VALUE for what you choose to pay us.

It's also my experience that our members also want to be generous with us — with me and my family and with those who are connected to us as co-creators and service providers and the broader community.

This means you will be feeling into that "balance point" for yourself... what true for you right now... and choosing. And yeah, not as "black & white" as us saying it is $XXX and you deciding whether it is "worth the money."

Instead, we embrace the emotional rainbow of these choices. Any choice you make that is listed is a YES for us.

Full and partial scholarships are also available. Emails us at support@thrivingnow.com.

There's more about Gliding Scale here.

Learn EFT Tapping 3

Need free EFT Tapping images for your professional or personal use?

We’ve developed EFT Tapping Point Diagrams so that you have access to FREE, high-quality images that show the location of the tapping points. You are welcome to use these charts on your website or handouts for personal or commercial use as long as you leave the copyright and reprint information on the images. If you do use the image(s), we’d love to hear about it. Email support@thrivingnow.com. Click the image below for more options:

Learn EFT Tapping 4

  • “I am a counsellor for students 11yrs to 16yrs. I regularly use EFT in my sessions & I find your hand outs extremely helpful.” — Counselor, Braunton Academy

  • Kate Meyer says:

    Hello Rick and Kathy. I have used EFT for several years now, finding it really amazing for certain issues and then aggravating for others. My last experience with this tool has left me afraid to use it again for fear of it having the same negative effect as the last time. I was working with an EFT practitioner on anxiety and grief manifesting in body and mind and included affirmations at the same time under her recommendation. I was also working with a functional practitioner at the same time and he was trying various amino acids to balance my levels of GABA, serotonin, dopamine etc and unfortunately my body didn’t take kindly to some which made my symptoms of anxiety and sadness worse. I thought the EFT may calm my nervous system during this time, but it seemed to make the symptoms worse – almost as if my nervous system was just to sensitized to cope with the tapping. Could you recommend a way to integrate ECT back into my daily routine in a more gentle way? The mornings (as I wake up ) are the most uncomfortable part of my day – my dr feels that my nervous system may be hyper-sensitive to cortisol (which rises normally in the morning) – even if the levels are within the normal range. We are still looking for the optimal amino-acid combination to increase and balance GABA, serotonin etc.

    Your advice would me so appreciated.

    • I hear your wisdom in the words “more gentle way.”

      When our body is in a place where our balance is both precious AND precarious, the tiniest steps — while on the surface can seems “too slow” or “too insignificant” can be just what we need.

      I’ve discovered (the hard way) that if someone recommends a certain dose of something, I start MUCH smaller.

      A meaningful kind of tapping can be… not tapping. Touch the point, breathe, feel the energy flowing (and not flowing), then go to the next point, touch, breathe, feel, listen, and continue. Do that one round. Ask your body-mind-guidance beforehand — is this right for me right now? Go with guidance has worked for me… and it’s okay to “not” — and definitely better to “not” than to push — even if we really want the healing that bringing our body to more resilient balance can bring.

      I hope this helps! Questions welcome… ~Rick

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