Just for a moment… could you let yourself Be?People are focused on Doing. And with all the pressure to do the right thing, feel the right thing, think the right thing… it’s easy to lose ourselves. People become “shoulds” and “musts,” trying to meet the unvoiced expectations of those around them. We become actors in a play that

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Do you get the feeling sometimes that there is something WRONG with you… that you’re somehow “bad” and don’t deserve what other people get? If so… It’s a SHAME. I remember in elementary school how confident and bold I was. I loved learning new facts, figures, names, and places. I was outspoken. I figured that if someone

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I was invited to write the chapter on Spiritual Growth with EFT for the book, Freedom at Your Fingertips. As a special bonus for you, here is a PDF of that chapter along with an audio recording of me reading the book and doing the tapping sequences.

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The holidays are supposed to be full of laughter and joy, aren’t they? I remember the promise of a glittering tree, brightly wrapped packages, warm cookies baking. As children, we were willing to dream and enjoy the wonder-filled moments of the season. As adults, we’ve been conditioned to put ourselves last. To check off the list and

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Facing what is real can release a lot of energy and bring joy and delight to the smallest moments. It’s when we try to ignore or deny that life gets dull and heavy. Building the muscles to face what is actually happening, and not trying to avoid, can let us be present with the joy that life threads through most experiences. (Free Workshop Session)

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With so many of us isolating and social distancing right now, getting our connection needs met is more challenging than ever! Many of us are trying to meet our connection needs virtually… Which is great for flattening the curve of the Coronavirus… AND…How do you get the most nutrition out of your virtual connections? (Free Workshop Session)

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When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing “dance” at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God’s will is a lot like dancing.

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Loneliness is hard. It can “eat into you” and make you feel sad and hopeless. Whether you’re with a long term partner you don’t connect with deeply as you’d like… or you are single and don’t want to be anymore… if you feel lonely, you probably aren’t enjoying life nearly as much as you’d like to.

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The people who read these email are determined, strong, and ready to make changes. We love that about you. Can we take a minute to appreciate you?

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I gave away that special thing that had meant so much to me. I couldn’t have… without tapping. It was 2007. I had just opened up a new office in Morgantown, West Virginia. My business partner and best friend at the time had seen how much I liked this hand crafted ceramic piece she’d purchased

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