February 11, 2017 by Cathy Vartuli

Tapping On The Negative… Moving Towards The Positive

I don’t have a problem coming up with negative statements to tap on, but I have trouble moving to the positive. What do I do? And if I focus on the negative, will I draw lots of negative things to me? –Debbie

It’s ok to stay on the negative as long as you feel that way. People tend to know when it’s ok to offer some positives. And its ok to step there gently. You might tap a round or two on the negative, and then continue adding “I choose to see this differently”, or “I ask for guidance and clarity on healing this”.

If saying the positive doesn’t feel authentic or genuine, don’t go there yet… just ask for positive energy to arrive in your consciousness at the right time for you.

Karate Chop: Even though I feel really negative, and I have good reason, I’m open to finding something positive to tap on, too.

Even though I can’t find anything positive, and you wouldn’t either if you were in my situation, I choose to acknowledge that and release those old traumas and blocks that are keeping me stuck.

Even though I feel very negative and that’s the truth, I allow myself to feel my feelings, and I ask for clarity and guidance to changing this pattern and finding more joy in life.

Top of the Head: I feel very negative!
Eyebrow: That’s the truth.
Side of the Eye: I can tap on the negative as long as I need to.
Under the Eye: As long as I tap, my body is releasing the energy.
Under the Nose: I would like to feel more positive…
Chin: But I’m not there yet.
Collarbone: I choose to feel what I feel.
Under the Arm: And learn to accept myself right where I am.

Top of the Head: Even though I have all these negative emotions stuck in my body…
Eyebrow: I’m tapping now.
Side of the Eye: I’m teaching my body to release these blocks…
Under the Eye: …these old fears and traumas.
Under the Nose: Each time I tap…
Chin: I soothe my body a bit more.
Collarbone: I’m building my strength…
Under the Arm: And learning resilience.

Top of the Head: I do feel negative…
Eyebrow: But I’m doing good things for myself for a change.
Side of the Eye: It is a struggle sometimes…
Under the Eye: But as I tap, I love myself just a bit more.
Under the Nose: My body could use a lot of love.
Chin: So could my mind.
Collarbone: I may feel negative…
Under the Arm: But I’m doing positive things.
Top of the Head: And I’m open to clarity and help feeling more positive right now.

Take a deep breath.

How does that feel to your body? Our bodies don’t feel good when we speak something that is untrue, so pay attention to the aches and tensions that come up. They can help you get clarity. For a deeper understanding of this process, get your copy of Free Yourself today!

  • If saying the positive doesn’t feel authentic or genuine, don’t go there yet… just ask for positive energy to arrive in your consciousness at the right time for you.

  • Thank you for 
    7 Tapping
    Scripts to Help You Live an Abundant and Thriving Life… Now!
    Very helpful. 

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