August 17, 2016 by Cathy Vartuli

Everything Will Be PERFECT If I Just Lose Weight!

Listen (07:14) or Download MP3

We often ask people what they feel needs to change so they can feel free…

About 50% of them include weight loss, being slender or thin, in their answer. But unless you change the emotions, you can lose all the weight you want and still be just as stuck and unhappy as you are now… whatever your weight is.

Yes, a lot of excess weight can pose a problem physically — it can be hard to get around and fit into restaurant chairs and airplane seats, but the emotional baggage is important, too.

A lot of times we blame our weight for everything that’s wrong in our lives. We think we’ll be happy and free if ONLY we were thin. But we’re creating a fantasy person.

Even if someone loses 100lbs, they will still sometimes have bad breath and bad hair days. They will still be grouchy and tired sometimes. They still hurt at times.

A lot of people have created this fantasy that being slender will fix all their problems. Is that true for you? You can test to see…

Imagine you are as slender and fit as you dream you could be. Get as tuned into that picture as you can. See if you can “visualize” the sounds, smells, and physical feeling of being “her” or “him”. You may want to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Looking at her… do you envision someone who is completely confident and carefree? Someone who doesn’t get her heart broken or lose her car keys in the morning? If so, you have created a story that isn’t true.

And the really cool thing is, you can work on feeling confident and carefree, no matter if you’re losing weight or not! In fact, for a lot of people, it is the releasing of the blocks to self-confidence and happiness that finally allows them to naturally move to a more pleasing weight…not the other way around.

The fantasy we create is really attractive. It’s easier to blame the weight for our unhappiness (and our society does place a lot of blame and judgement on weight) than to dig into our subconscious and find and release the blocks that are holding us in place. The problem is, if we don’t release those blocks, we can force our bodies to a size 2 and still be radically miserable! And as soon as we stop forcing and dieting, our body will rebound… and then some. Hence yo-yo dieting.

If you can build a connection with your body and learn to love it, you can be happy and fulfilled NOW and as you lose weight and when you’ve lost the weight.

And you won’t have to fight your body to do it. You’ll naturally flow there.

Freedom isn’t numbers on a scale or on the label inside your pants. It’s a state of being.

If this makes sense to you, try tapping on this:

Karate Chop: Even though I thought I had to lose weight to be free and loved, I’m choosing to feel loved and find my freedom NOW, no matter what my weight is.

Even though I thought I had to lose weight to reclaim my body and my life, I choose to reclaim it NOW and love my body into health rather than forcing it.

Even though I’ve felt trapped, and I blamed the weight, I can tap and release the blame and the blocks that have been keeping me stuck. I choose freedom and delight NOW.

Top of the Head: I thought I had to wait.
Eyebrow: I had to be thin… FIRST.
Side of the Eye: Then I would be free.
Under the Eye: Then I would be lovable.
Under the Nose: What if I’m lovable NOW?
Chin: Why do I need to wait?
Collarbone: I’m tired of being stuck.
Under the Arm: I want to feel free and loved.

Top of the Head: I don’t feel free.
Eyebrow: But maybe it’s not about the weight.
Side of the Eye: I know there are some fears tucked away…
Under the Eye: And the weight protects me from facing them.
Under the Nose: What if I gathered my courage…
Chin: And got some loving support,
Collarbone: And faced those fears now?
Under the Arm: I would feel freer!

Top of the Head: I’ve been blaming the weight.
Eyebrow: But it’s just there to protect me.
Side of the Eye: When I don’t need all that insulation…
Under the Eye: My body can release the weight easily.
Under the Nose: I choose to release those fears.
Chin: I choose to reclaim my freedom.
Collarbone: I’m going to start loving me today.
Under the Arm: I can love myself now…
Top of the Head: And enjoy my freedom as I lose this weight.

Take a deep breath.

How does this feel? What came up for you?

Our Group Coaching Program is a great place to get support and guidance reclaiming your freedom and transforming your fears. We welcome you and look forward to working with you as you transform your beliefs and become the confident, happy being you’ve always dreamed of!

  • A lot of times we blame our weight for everything that’s wrong in our
    lives. We think we’ll be happy and free if ONLY we were thin…

  • I liked your statement in the article, “You will naturally flow there.”  a very healing idea.

  • I shall try this on me and will let you know the results. Sounds interesting !

  • Anonymous says:

    Great stuff.  Will follow along and keep you informed. Thanks for this!

  • Thanks for doing this one.  It certainly has been my thinking.  

  • I am one of those that thought losing the weight I wanted to lose would be the “Grand Solution” to most of my problems.  Wrooong.  True, it did and does feel good to have lost a lot of weight and keep it off, but then there are always new goals and desires that creep up and are just as loud and insistent as the original goal of wanting to lose a lot of weight.  Plus, there was the deeper issue of my not liking myself and my shadow which losing weight did not address at all.  I just became a skinnier, still pissed off and depressed version of me.  I lost 70 lbs and went from a size 20/22 to a size 4 in less than a year (no surgery or crash diets) and am the fittest and strongest I have ever been in my life (I’m 44 and I can do heavier weights on the leg press machine now than when I was in high school sports).  With some persistent tapping and the guidance of Thriving Now and Carol Look’s website (in addition to Abraham-Hicks’ teachings), I’m finally starting to like myself and not be so stinkin’ whackadoo (translation: I’m more peaceful and content – a lot easier to be around I think).  I still want to lose more flab and have that as a goal, whenever I accomplish that, there will be another goal so the moral is: as this article states, it’s not losing weight that will make you happy, it’s getting happy where you are that will help in the losing of the weight and keeping it off, as well as you feeling better, healthier!  Namaste!

  • I am one of those that thought losing the weight I wanted to lose would be the “Grand Solution” to most of my problems.  Wrooong.  True, it did and does feel good to have lost a lot of weight and keep it off, but then there are always new goals and desires that creep up and are just as loud and insistent as the original goal of wanting to lose a lot of weight.  Plus, there was the deeper issue of my not liking myself and my shadow which losing weight did not address at all.  I just became a skinnier, still pissed off and depressed version of me.  I lost 70 lbs and went from a size 20/22 to a size 4 in less than a year (no surgery or crash diets) and am the fittest and strongest I have ever been in my life (I’m 44 and I can do heavier weights on the leg press machine now than when I was in high school sports).  With some persistent tapping and the guidance of Thriving Now and Carol Look’s website (in addition to Abraham-Hicks’ teachings), I’m finally starting to like myself and not be so stinkin’ whackadoo (translation: I’m more peaceful and content – a lot easier to be around I think).  I still want to lose more flab and have that as a goal, whenever I accomplish that, there will be another goal so the moral is: as this article states, it’s not losing weight that will make you happy, it’s getting happy where you are that will help in the losing of the weight and keeping it off, as well as you feeling better, healthier!  Namaste!

  • “It’s not losing weight that will make you happy, it’s getting happy
    where you are that will help in the losing of the weight and keeping it
    off, as well as you feeling better, healthier!” Helpful words, Naia!

  • Murphychris says:

    no matter how long i tap i cannot lose weight but thank you you are always interestig to read

    • So what about being thin and vital and attractive might not feel safe to you still? Have you felt confident adding more movement and healthier foods to your life?

      • Murphychris says:

        thank you for your message but i have tried everything to no avail have healthy food and walk a lot but have a gammy knee so to much excersie is a no no 

        • Oh, there is always more movement that you can do that is fun, even with a bad knee. You can look at what people in wheelchairs do, even! And Qi gong. And many yoga postures. And even exercise with bands and weights, adapted for your physical limitations. How does that sound?

  • Verymissmary says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how intense the emotions are around food.  Tapping with this script was/is so helpful. What came up for me? What feels like so many aspects and so much tapping work to do…but I’ll get through it. Thanks for all you do Thriving Now!

  • Murphychris says:

    Thank you very much for your comments i am thinking of doing yoga

  • I love how you put the verbage together to help with the tapping. Its easy for me. It makes it fun and I do it all the time. I am finding myself more and more relaxed about how I feel about myself. I guess its called “acceptance” and love. I finally feel I can move on and explore what stopped me from moving on further in my life. I am 58 years old and I am still looking forward to what is coming my way. Life is always moving and changing, and I find that I am moving and changing with it in a wonderful way. I wish I had found out about this 25 years ago. However, I have found it now, and it make me feel lighter and lighter everyday. Thank you.

    • Acceptance does make us Lighter… in many ways! Thanks for sharing with us, PDMac53!

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