June 15, 2023 by Rick ~ Thrivingnow

Are You A Lover-Type?

by Rick Wilkes

Are You A Lover-Type? 1Lover-types crave connection. Lunch alone is food. Lunch with a dear friend is nourishment for body and soul. Love and co-creation makes life warm and delicious. And lover-types often feel anxious and confused by conflicting messages about what they “should do” and who they “should be” in order to be “successful.”

I have friends who thrive on competition. They play sports (and rabidly root for their teams on TV). They set goals to climb the corporate ladder… and stand alone at the top of the mountain. Personal accomplishment shines them up and makes them feel good. Leadership to them means setting the pace, the standard, and getting others to follow.

Others are natural crusaders and warriors. They see injustice, or threats to the environment, and they take up arms. They gather energy to their side of the issue and use the polarity of Us vs. Them to clarify positions, force decisions, and evoke change. The  shared mission lights them up, and opposition activates their greater passion and stamina.

I am neither Chief nor Crusader…

I am a Lover, a Dreambuilder, and a Co-Creator.

To stand alone at the top of the mountain… would feel empty to me. To make love at the top of the mountain… YES! Now THAT would be worth the climb!

Coaches who are chiefs tell you to set audacious personal goals, to stretch yourself, to hold yourself accountable… in order to achieve your personal greatness.

Coaches who are crusaders help people find their mission in life, engage with it, attract others to their Cause… and change the world.

Coaches who are lover-types focus on CONNECTION. Our passion is to help you connect with your body, with your heart, with your energy and its delicious flow… and connect with loving friends, loving partners, and loving Co-Creators to magnify and enhance what Life has to offer.

We’re inspired when we engage with people who want to clear what blocks them from love. We know the courage it takes to have a wounded heart and rise to even consider opening in love once again. We can feel the dream for a life with a Circle of Loving Support.

There was a time when I wasn’t clear about who I was. Now that I have that clarity, I can see how following the advice of chiefs and crusaders confused and depleted my energy.

If you are a lover-type, you know what I mean. We find fulfillment and joy in co-creation. We need it. Love connection for us is fundamental.

Lover-types would much rather rub someone’s tired body and hear happy oooohs and aaaaahs (and feel the yummy appreciation and gratitude flow between us)… than compete for a prize or march in a demonstration.

Which would you rather do?

Of course, just because we’d rather Love than anything else doesn’t mean we necessarily have as MUCH of that in our life as we’d enjoy… or even enough to feel OKAY!

I know that many of us lover-types in the world are confused. Some of that comes from trying to see the world through the eyes of chiefs and crusaders (and other personality types that don’t see life our way). We’ve been conditioned to disrespect our own Guidance, and to discount what we value most because it doesn’t come with a price tag or trophy or letter grade.

Cathy, Reid, and I would like to invite you to explore with us. If love is dear to you, we’re co-creating a space where for the next two weeks we’ll share what we have learned about the art of Creating Connection. We’ll engage with your questions and move towards clarity about what is right for you personally. We’ll do some tapping together, and we’ll be specific about practical ways you can bring more satisfaction into your world… the deep satisfaction that comes from sharing a love connection with another safe, happy, respectful human being (or two… or ten!)

Loving Connection

At this point I’m quite blessed with safe, respectful, loving relationships, and I am still eager for more! While the pictures for this program show lots of romantic kissing, I know as I look at what we’ll be covering that this would be immensely useful even to a lover-type that was celibate! Intimacy goes well beyond what most people think… and we’ll guide you in ways to create happy, healthy, safe, and yummy connections of all types.

We hope you’ll join us! We have people coming together from around the world, and many will be listening to the recordings and participating and asking questions on our Facebook Group, too.

I’ve asked my co-creator Cathy to do some EFT Tapping with us…

See if these words resonate for you… even if they don’t, it’s safe to say them. Tapping will bring clarity and truth, so even if you say something that doesn’t fit for you, all that will create is understanding and possibilities for other options!

There are no wrong “types”, whether you are a lover, warrior, chief or some combination, it is just about knowing yourself and creating what is most vitalizing and powerful for you… that makes the world beautiful and more abundant for everyone.

Karate Chop: Even though I felt lost and confused by so many of the messages out there… I thought I was supposed to compete and strive for success… my heart never felt comfortable with that, and now I know I can live life in a way that speaks to my heart.

Even though I felt lonely and a bit scared by the world, I didn’t know where I fit, I am a lover at heart, and co-creating is my true calling. I can relax and let my heart guide me to accomplish amazing things!

Even though I felt out of place, I never was… I was just trying to fit in a space that wasn’t really me… I have insight and support now, and I can learn how to connect deeply and safely and live my heart’s desire.

Top of the Head: I was lost and alone.
Eyebrow: I thought maybe there was something wrong with me.
Side of the Eye: Maybe I didn’t deserve happiness.
Under the Eye: Maybe I didn’t deserve to be fulfilled.
Under the Nose: I tried to be everything they told me…
Chin: I tried to conform and fit in.
Collarbone: It never felt right.
Under the Arm: It never felt like ME.

Top of the Head: I’m learning there are lots of ways to be.
Eyebrow: I’m learning who I truly am is wonderful!
Side of the Eye: I don’t have to be “them” to be ok.
Under the Eye: I may do it differently…
Under the Nose: And add value to the world in my own way.
Chin: No one taught me how to use my greatest strength…
Collarbone: No one taught me the skills of connection.
Under the Arm: I can learn how to use the power of love.

Top of the Head: I claim my own power.
Eyebrow: I can have my own approach.
Side of the Eye: And learn those skills that make it easy to connect.
Under the Eye: I’m ready to warm the world with my love.
Under the Nose: I’m ready for life to be delicious!
Chin: Connection and love do that for me.
Collarbone: I am open to feeling calm and confident…
Under the Arm: As I bring more love to myself…
Top of the Head: And to the world.

Take a deep breath.

We’d love to have you join us for Creating Connection. We’re excited to share these techniques with heart centered people who want to claim their power and use their natural skills and abilities in new ways.

  • LOVED the tapping script!
    Hugs, Kitty

  • Wow…this comes at the right time. I have been searching….and this really speaks right into my heart! Wonderful and powerful script.

  • Thank you Rick—fab tapping script.  Having just been on an EFT weekend in the UK with a day on Shame and Guilt this is a good time to try and put some things back together.   Glad i logged on and found this tonight.   Lots of hugs as ever.   Carol

  • Thanks so much for sharing about the three types – lover, warrior, and chief.  It explains so much about why I’ve never resonated with the Warrior or Chief styles!  I always felt disconnected from them, and have long said I want to be in partnership and co-creating the work that I want to do.

    In your view are there just those three types (with sub-combinations) or are there more “base types” as well?  I haven’t though about it long enough yet to see if I can come up with others.

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