August 17, 2016 by Cathy Vartuli

How Often Should I Tap?

I’m learning EFT. How often should I tap? Should I tap everyday? Three times a day? Once? For how long each time? — Patty

Hi Patty,

We get that question a lot.

After you have been tapping for awhile, you’ll find a good rhythm and frequency for you. Each person is different and some issues may process more quickly if you stay focused for awhile. Other things may benefit from shorter, more frequent reminders.

To start out with, some people like to tap for a short period (a few rounds of tapping) of time 2-3 times a day, but there isn’t a minimum requirement for this to work. If you tap once a week and it helps, great!

It can help to get in the habit of tapping at specific times so you remember and teach your body that tapping can bring relief. You might tap in the car before you leave the garage for work and before you go in the house after work. That can help you transition and reduce stress.

Rick suggests drinking lots of water, and then use each bathroom break to tap a round or two on whatever is coming up for you. You don’t have to say the words out loud for them to work.

A lot of people love tapping before they go to sleep.

And/or right when they wake up.

You can tap anytime you feel anxious as well.

Some people find that tapping for a longer period of time once a day is more their style. They may set aside 20-30 minutes to tap through a specific issue they’ve noticed. Or they may choose to tap along with an audio recording.

If you have a particular problem you can find articles on many subjects by searching on Thriving Now, and we offer various solutions in our store.

If you find it difficult to remember to tap, or aren’t sure what to tap on, it can help to be part of a group that encourages and offers suggestions. Our group coaching program has 10 or more calls a month where you can tap along or ask for guidance on your issues. There is an extensive library of tapping recordings for you to borrow benefits, and the forum is a caring and safe space to share your problems and get guidance and suggestions. And a lot of members find tapping along with other people helps them identify blocks and fears they didn’t know they had.

As you keep tapping and your body and mind learn how helpful it is, you will probably find it easy to know when to tap. And you’ll learn how long and how often to tap for your vitality and happiness.

  • As you keep tapping and your body and mind learn how helpful it is, you
    will probably find it easy to know when to tap. And you’ll learn how
    long and how often to tap for your vitality and happiness.

  • Michelle Miller says:

    How and where do I tap

  • I am wondering, if I can tap for few issues in one day? For example: in the morning one issue, few houres later another issue and in the evening another one. Or 20 minutes break between tapping different issues is ok? I’d like to tap so many things, and I’m not sure if I can do this that often..

    • You described ways to tap that all work, Ewela. Even 20 minutes focused time once a week can help, especially if you also tap for 2-3 minutes when emotions rise uncomfortably during the day 3-5 times.

  • Mayra Savio says:

    I want to learn about Tapping

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