Law of Attraction: Finding a Balance – Have you been told that “being positive” means ignoring anything “negative” in your life? Have you heard that to use the Law of Attraction, you can never EVER think a negative thought?? Horse manure.

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We all can feel overwhelmed at times… with projects, illness, pain, or even positive things. Just like when we feel other emotions, there is information and guidance in the overwhelm. It is often a sign that we need to stop, take a deep breath, and notice what we’re telling ourselves.

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As you listen and participate in team calls and on the forum, you will often hear us asking certain questions. We usually start with safety: “Is it safe for you to move forward?” If it does feel safe, the next checks for other emotional blocks such as guilt, shame, and the need to be punished… or that you have to EARN what you want… “Do you think/feel you deserve to ______(feel better, get abundance, find love)?” If part of you believes you don’t deserve something, you may find yourself…

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If you’re feeling stuck, or just not moving forward as quickly as you would like, a basic fear may be getting in your way. As illogical as it may sound, some people do not feel SAFE feeling SAFE! Their primitive brain thinks it is dangerous to let go of constant vigilance. Let’s test how this is for you…

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Just as we learn childhood lessons from bullies at school, we also internalize “life lessons” based on the stories we read and see on TV. And not all the conclusions we draw are helpful. Are you waiting for prince- or princess-charming to wisk you away and make your life all better? Do you think you need to suffer first to be worthy of a fairy godmother and abundance? Is it safe to stand out and appreciate your gifts… or are you afraid that a jealous, evil stepmother will try to harm you?

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So much of what we do on the team is geared towards releasing childhood traumas. Childhood is when most of our beliefs and fears… and our core mental and emotional structures… are formed. We absorb and interpret how we’re treated by our parents, our teachers, and our playmates at a time when we don’t understand WHY… why we’re being teased, picked on, or attacked. Those traumas may still be influencing us decades later.

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Do you find yourself repeating patterns from childhood… yet wishing you could change? Family dynamics can be a powerful force in our lives, even if we have little contact with our relatives now. Every family has beliefs and “shoulds” that we absorb subconsciously and never question. Since we learned them in an environment where almost everyone believed and followed these “laws of the family,” we may not even be aware how deeply they affect our behavior as adults.

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Feeling good about who we are and accepting ourselves are important strengths to have on the journey to a thriving life. Are you sending a signal to the universe that you deserve abundance and love? Or one that says you’re not so sure? There is a certain symmetry to the process. As we treat ourselves with compassion and care, we feel like we are worth more. And as we practice emotionally appreciating ourselves, noticing what we do well, and removing blocks to allowing this, we naturally treat ourselves better.

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Appreciating the wonder in our lives can be very healing. Tapping and saying “thank you” can strengthen the good feelings and invite more abundance. Tapping on what is going good in our lives helps us connect with the universe and raises our vibration.

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When we feel helpless… and even a PART of us senses our survival is threatened… the stage is set for emotional trauma. We freeze inside, and we get “stuck” there on some level until the trauma is discharged. Worldwide financial events fit this scenario for many people. These are global currents that like a hurricane are not under our individual control. Events broadcast on the Wordwide Financial Fear Channel (WFFC) often trigger past memories of when we felt helpless, scared, and at risk. This is where tapping can bring an enormous shift.

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