March 6, 2013 by Rick ~ ThrivingNow

Vulnerability As Strength

When you speak your truth…
When you profess your love…
When you ask for what you want…
When you step out of your comfort zone…

You are being VULNERABLE.

But it wasn’t safe for many of us to be vulnerable when we were young. Showing our “soft underbelly” opened us up to ridicule, judgment, and harsh teasing. We learned to protect and to hide, to always appear together and never give “them” information that they could use to “attack” us.

That same protective shielding that was so useful when we were little can cause isolation and loneliness now. People who resonate with us can’t find us… because we never show who we are! It is not possible to form deep connections when there is no vulnerability.

For some of us, we only show our inner selves when it spurts out in anger or pain, and we learn to only connect with others when we’re hurting so much we feel we have no choice.

Yet… We CAN learn how to open up and be vulnerable… and do so with safely and resiliency. We can share who we really are, warts and all, and form authentic connections with people we deeply care about.

Authentic self-expression allows us to share fears and flaws without shame. It positions us to be CURIOUS about other people’s responses rather than shutting down in Defense.

In this one hour call on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 2:20pm EST (which will be recorded and the MP3 will be available for those who cannot attend live), we will answer these questions and do EFT Tapping on the emotions that come up that block us.

* How do you find the courage to be vulnerable? And what do you share?
* How can you be vulnerable from a place of strength and power?
* How do you handle it when people have strong reactions, judgments, or even reject you?
* How do you balance privacy and transparency?

[ This call is now available exclusively in the Thriving Now Team Member Audio Library. Join us now for immediate access. ]



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