April 25, 2020 by Rick ~ Thrivingnow

Transforming Your Energy 2013, Part 1

bigstock-Woman-holding-a-bulb-lamp-Ener-40776439by Rick Wilkes

I use Energy Tapping (EFT) to transform energy. When I feel anxious, tapping takes that energy by the hand and leads it to a better place… a place where it is possible to feel both calm and confident. Amazing.

This transformation is possible because our body can be taught how to change the vibration of our energy from one state to another. For example, if we feel “scattered and anxious” there is energy present. Tap on the feelings in your body, acknowledge and accept where you are, and give the energy a direction… and you are very likely to discover that all that scattered energy can be calmed, focused, and harnessed into positive self-expression.

Tapping for Calm Confidence… In The Moment

This simple practice changed how I reacted to so many situations. Here’s what I did… and you can do this, too:

1) Notice when you start feeling even a little bit anxious, scared, stressed, or up-tight.

2) Take a timeout to tap right away. (Learn about EFT Tapping here.) Tap at your desk, staring at an email that is bugging you, or go to the bathroom to tap and wash your hands.

3) Notice the changes, both small and significant, when similar situations arise in the future… and how you start developing a resilient sense of calm confidence… no matter what.

Here’s the tapping rounds you can use to get started. As always, adapt the words to fit how you feel.

Karate chop: Even though as I look at this I am feeling a bit anxious, scared, worried, and tense… I want to feel calm and confident.

Even though this situation is making me feel this stress in my body right here… I’ve decided to feel calm and confident anyway.

Even though a part of me believes I SHOULD feel anxious about this… I ask my body to feel calm and confident anyway.

Top of the Head: This anxiety.
I’m seeing something that makes me anxious.
Side of the Eye:
Of course I’m anxious.
Under the Eye:
Most people would be, seeing this.
Under the Nose:
I’m feeling anxious and worried.
Even a bit scared.
And that’s okay.
Under the Arm:
I accept myself and all my feelings.

Top of the Head: I accept that I’m anxious about this.
No I don’t!
Side of the Eye:
Yes… I’ve decided to accept myself anyway.
Under the Eye:
I’m taking this anxiety…
Under the Nose:
And transforming its energy into something more pleasing and empowering…
And even though a part of me may still be a bit anxious.
Under the Arm:
I ask my body to become surprising calm… anyway.

Top of the Head: I am activating my inner confidence.
Sure, it makes sense why I could choose to be anxious.
Side of the Eye:
I am choosing to be confident… no matter what.
Under the Eye:
I am asking my body to feel empowered…
Under the Nose:
Stronger than usual.
More confident than the average bear.
I honor the reasons I have felt anxious and worried in similar situations.
Under the Arm:
Today… I’ve decided to be calm…
Top of the Head:
And confident… right HERE… right NOW…

Take a deep breath.

Notice how you feel. You may still have some anxiety. That’s okay. What we’re doing here is sending a different kind of signal into your energy system… a signal that it is okay (even desirable!) to be calm and confident no matter what shows up.

In part 2 we’ll show you how to look at a specific anxiety-producing thought and transform it into one that helps you feel empowered. Look for that later this week in your email. And do feel free to forward this to friends… it’s awesome when we join together to shift our emotions as a safe, supportive group.



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