April 27, 2011 by Thriving Now

Tapping: Other Names You’ll Hear…

Tapping and Energy Tapping are generic names for this leading-edge approach to physical and emotional relief and self-empowerment.

Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT) is another name you’ll hear. Other  tapping techniques include Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy (TFT) which was evolved and simplified by Gary Craig into the very popular Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). There are dozens of other derivatives as well.

Tapping techniques are a part of several overlapping fields of scientific exploration: energy therapy, energy medicine, energy psychology, meridian energy therapy, energy-centered bodywork, and more. Tapping continues to evolve.

All of us who are passionate about living a thriving, abundant, emotionally-free life continue to invest our time, energy, heart, and co-creativity into expanding the state of the art of all “vibrational technologies.”

Want to learn more? Get your free guide to getting started with tapping (EFT).

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