Are you blocking or hiding abundance because of old rules? One of the phrases many of us heard when we were young was “Did you bring enough for everyone?” It could have been candy, gum, a special toy, or a fun comic book. It didn’t matter… that was the catch phrase a lot of teachers

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What are family rules? They are the generational “laws of the universe” as your family understood them. There may be other levels of rules, but these are the ones we consider the most insidious because they are often unconscious and powerfully impact our lives. Changing these beliefs requires making them conscious… and then using energy tapping (EFT) to release their steadfast hold on our subconscious actions.

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Do you compare yourself to others? Who doesn’t! We’re conditioned by glossy magazines, advertising, fashion models, sports, and high pressure workplaces to compare ourselves to others… and to figure out where we stand on the Ladder of Status. The trap comes when our tribal brain sees someone who is better at something we value than we are.

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When we want something and don’t have it, our brain can use that as evidence that we’re not good enough…that we’re a failure. Yet, intelligent, warm, creative people tend to have a lot of desires! We can think up new stuff and new experiences really easily. Hourly, even! So if part of our psyche has linked “Not yet? We’ve failed!” …we end up with lots of ‘evidence’ that we lack manifestation power.

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So many people dear to us are going through challenging times. As Emotional Freedom Coaches, we’ve seen how deep changes in our core beliefs about ourselves, the healing of our old traumas, and the awakening of our heart to new perspectives… changes us. It changes our mind, it changes our body, and it changes the

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When we start getting through the surface issues and start facing the core of our limiting beliefs, we can sometimes run into bedrock. We may have a limiting belief that we built most of our life around. Shifting it seems IMPOSSIBLE. It may feel like our life and identity would collapse if we lost it, yet it may block the most important desires our heart holds.

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I have a lot of stuff coming up lately. I keep hearing the phrase “My life sucks” running through my head like a broken record. — Jennifer So just tap on it! Karate Chop: Even though is sucks to be me, I’m open to finding a way to accept myself… even while life sucks. Top of the

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We learn these sayings from our family and society and they can influence our decisions and beliefs. Sayings evolved for reasons, but they may not be logical or true for us now. We can release the limitations and fears invested in sayings by tapping, and regain our freedom.

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I want to feel love and happiness. Right now I feel kind of blah. I don’t get much intensity about things, but I don’t feel very good either. I’ve done a lot of tapping, and I tried other things to help. Sometimes I don’t even know what I’m feeling. What can I do to feel

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How can I use tapping to work on learning disabilities, problems with recall, and exam phobias? When I try to learn something new, or show someone what I’ve learned, I go blank! — Irene When we’re in primitive brain it’s harder for us to learn. Do you feel tense or scared when you try to

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