When we dream, and want to create that dream, we will run into some bumps as we move forward. Each time we grow, we grow outside our old comfort zones and find new things that are challenging.
That’s great when you’re feeling supported and safe… those challenges can even feel exhilarating!
When we’re dragging around the anchors of old bad experiences, we can encounter lots more resistance than anyone would like. It’s like we’re trying to drive forward with the parking brake on, 3 flat tires, and a U-haul full of rocks dragging along behind us.
You have such courage and determination to have reached so far, created so much in your life, especially considering almost everyone has a U-haul filled with some rocks dragging behind them.
Congratulations on tapping and clearing out your U-haul! Imagine how much easier this will be when you have a clear slate!
The more you clear, the easier it is to move forward, and the quicker you can notice when a new rock has snuck in that U-haul!
In the program we’re working on, we’ll be guiding you to clear out the rocks, pebbles, and even the sand from your U-haul (a clear slate you can create anything on!), so you can fill it with ease and abundance… and in the meantime, lets do some tapping to get you started!
Karate Chop: Even though it has been hard going, I give myself love and appreciation for making it as far as I have.
Even though I sometimes beat myself up for not doing more, I am actually carrying a lot, and still taking care of so much. I choose to notice my hard work and how much I care.
Even though it seems like I’ve been dragging this heavy load forever, I’m ready to let go of some of these “rocks.”
Top of the Head: No wonder I’m tired!
Eyebrow: No wonder I struggle.
Side of the Eye: I’ve been dragging these rocks.
Under the Eye: These old anchors that hold me back.
Under the Nose: I don’t have a clear slate.
Chin: And I still created so much.
Collarbone: Imagine what I could do with more space and ease?!
Under the Arm: How far could I go if I didn’t have to drag these old rocks?
Top of the Head: I am so strong.
Eyebrow: I’ve worked so hard.
Side of the Eye: I send my heart and my body love and gratitude.
Under the Eye: I send my mind and inner being appreciation.
Under the Nose: I am powerful!
Chin: It’s not my fault I haven’t done more…
Collarbone: I was doing the best I could, considering!
Under the Arm: I actually did a GREAT job!
Top of the Head: I invite the Universe to help me clear the rocks I don’t need.
Eyebrow: I may be holding onto a few…
Side of the Eye: There may be something I need to release around a few of them.
Under the Eye: But there are a number I’ve been carrying out of habit.
Under the Nose: And it’s time to let those go!
Chin: Universe, please relieve me of these rocks…
Collarbone: In a way that is gentle, safe, and loving.
Under the Arm: Please help me let them go…
Top of the Head: So I can move forward into my life.
Deep breath…
What do you notice? If you feel lighter, Fantastic!! And if you’re more aware of your “rocks,” know that that is often part of the process. When people have been carrying a rock for a long time, they may be so used to it, they don’t even notice. Becoming aware is often the first step to releasing it.
Don’t worry if part of you wants to hold onto the rocks! Let go of the ones that release easily, and watch for our next email where we’ll share a really easy and fun way to release rocks that don’t want to budge!
Warm Wishes!
Cathy and Rick
For me, its kind of like “maintenance”… the more I tune in to tap along with you, the more I learn about myself, the more I can work on myself, the more I can cope with all the challenges that come my way on any given day, the happier I am, and the happier everybody else around me is. Thank You. ~Rie, Brussels
Tapping has made me realize who and what is most important in my life. ME. Without me being aligned with my goals and my heart’s desires, and moving towards that which makes me feel alive & contented, I will never be truly true to myself, and therefore won’t be able to be true to the people that is in my life. I always look forward to the emails with the beautiful words for Tapping received from Cathy & Rick on a regular basis, which inspires me to move forward.THANK YOU Cathy & Rick for the Awesome work you are doing. May you move from strength to strength. ~Nazeema Meyer, South Africa
EFT is so simple that i had initial doubts, but it has (and is still) changed (changing) my life for the better. THRIVING NOW is wonderful, bravo, Rick & Cathy, you have helped many !!! I am an ardent follower/believer in positive spirit into 2014. ~Nikolaus, Chiang Mai
Rick and Cathy help me a lot. Their approach oriented around the primitive brain is unique to what I’m hearing and very sensible. I enjoy a lot of the scripts and have been impacted highly with one of theirs I use often to facilitate letting go, which has been extremely difficult for me. I made a list of everything I need to let go of my attachment to and use the script one of them as my life allows. I am feeling more freedom. ~Jenna, Ranson, WV
I have been working with Rick & Cathy and the Thriving Now group for several years. I have been helped to love myself more, be compassionate with myself as I work with Tapping to help me be a much better, more healthy me! The group is wonderful to work with, they are so supportive when I (and others) have shown vulnerability. Rick & Cathy are insightful, intuitive and so perceptive in helping me get to the heart of what is going on. The biggest thing that I resolved was not being able to literally cry for years, which started when my son went to Iraq to serve 2 tours of duty. My body shut down, but with tapping on the calls, listening to the recordings, working with Cathy & Rick, my body released this and finally after about 5 years of not being able to cry, my heart opened and as of 2012 the tears flow again! ~Pam K., Bradenton, FL