Why in the world would you choose your… REGRETS?!!
Before I get to that, I want to share how this concept really helps me.
A couple days ago we sent you an email about “What Does Your Heart Crave?” and how sometimes the process of changing your life to be closer towards what you crave can be… intense. (Thank you for all the responses! They were so heartfelt! And they inspired something I’ll tell you about in a minute.)
I shared that I’ve been digging deep and learning new ways to deal with those dark nights of the soul… The endless hours at 3 am where every doubt and fear can come up and mug you… Where confusion, bewilderment, and insecurities can engulf and batter you.
If you’ve ever had one of those nights, where it seemed impossible to make a decision, or know what was right for you… If you know the feeling of that gut-wrenching conflict between staying small and safe, or leaving the nest and trying something new… then you know that any approaches that keep you above water are welcome!
The approach that really grounded me and calmed my mind (and gave me something productive to do with the mental energy I was feeling), was this…
Choose Your Regrets
The truth is, whatever we choose, there will be something we’ll miss.
Rick experienced this when he moved to Asheville to be a part of a much larger and more vibrant heart-centered community. It was a change in his life he’d craved for a long time. He was excited about it, and it’s been a fantastic experience for him.
And there are also a few dear-hearted people and potential experiences he left back in West Virginia that he misses. There’s regret that he can’t reach out and touch his old friends, or drive only 45 minutes and see his adult children anymore.
Yet, if he had not consciously chosen the “regret of leaving” he’d have missed being a part of his heart-centered, ecstatic dancing, happy-noise-making tribe in Asheville. He chose his regrets.
And now… we invite you to choose your regrets.
Looking back 3 years from today, would your regrets be bigger and more disappointing if you tried something new, or because you never reached out for that experience? At the end of your life, would you have wished you went for it, or stayed safe?
We have some tapping on this for you here. (And we’ll explain this process and how it can bring relief a bit further there.)
Because of the outpouring of heartfelt responses to What Does Your Heart Crave, and the longing many of you shared, Rick and I are putting together a special offer. We want you to have your heart’s desire. We care about you, and we know the world is a better place when you feel fulfilled and confident.
There are probably plenty of things you wanted to create this year that you didn’t get to. We want you to use this year to its fullest. To have few regrets about what you accomplished. And to have lots of momentum!
Warm wishes,
Cathy and Rick
P.S. Don’t forget to check out the tapping for regrets!