January 13, 2020 by Cathy Vartuli

What blocks your decisions?

We’re flooded with choices every day.

One of the keys to a smooth and efficient life is making good decisions quickly and moving on
(or at least making SOME decision quickly and course correcting if it doesn’t work).

But a lot of people struggle with decisions.

What blocks your ease and flow?

There are several reasons people feel stuck. To help you get clarity- write “Yes” next to the blocks you have, and “No” next to the ones you don’t. “Sometimes” is also a useful answer.

– I fear judgement or criticism if others don’t agree with my choice.   ______________
– I fear the problems or loss that could occur if I make a “poor” decision.  ______________
– I feel a conflict between several choices I’d like to make.  ______________
– I fear fear moving forward and dealing with all the changes that might happen after I make a decision and get started. ______________

Being stuck… not having a clear path forward… can suck up hours, days, even years and decades of people’s lives. Time passes and they look back wondering where their life went! (Without ever experiencing all that they could have discovered and enjoyed.)

We don’t want you to lose momentum or experiences. We want you to have a life of ease and flow… And for that, decisions are crucial!

We can’t go into all the blocks here, so let’s dive deep into just one of them…

Choice~~ What do you do when you have a conflict? What if 2 or more choices all have positive potential and you don’t know what to choose?

1) Take a nice slow deep breath. Even if you don’t have time to go some place quiet, taking a deep breath quiets your brain and helps you focus.

2) Tune into your body and your heart, notice how they feel right now… Are they tight? Heavy? Or relaxed and open?

3) Write down the different choices you have. Getting them down on paper can bring calm clarity.

A) __________________________________________________
B) __________________________________________________
C) __________________________________________________

4) Looking at all your choices, ask yourself what EMOTIONAL experience you’d like to have going forward (calm? connected? easy? learning? challenging?)

5) Now feel into your heart as you consider each of your choices. Notice how your heart feels about each choice individually:
A) __________________________________________________
B) __________________________________________________
C) __________________________________________________

6) Write down what experience each choice will bring:

A) __________________________________________________
B) __________________________________________________
C) __________________________________________________

7) Write down any resistance (she won’t approve, he might try to stop me, it will take too much time) that you feel about each choice:

A) __________________________________________________
B) __________________________________________________
C) __________________________________________________

Write down which choice is right for YOU right now. And if you have time, give yourself a day to be with this “decision.” Check in again tomorrow to see where you’re at!

Congratulations! You’ve moved forward!!

If you’d like more help with making decisions that move you forward in life in an authentic way, we invite you to join us in the Emotional Freedom Circle!

Warm wishes
Cathy and Rick

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