February 28, 2011 by Cathy Vartuli

I MUST Hold On To This Feeling

When we start feeling good, our fears can get in the way of enjoying contentment and self-acceptance. Especially if we haven’t had a lot of experience with basking in good feelings, we may be TERRIFIED of losing them.

The fear of losing good feelings can cause us to over-analyze, feel anxious, get nervous, or end up just plain worried. If our brain decides we MUST learn to hold onto these feelings and figure out how to get them back on demand we may think ourselves out of the good feelings before we have time to enjoy them. We may not feel safe relaxing into the feelings unless we first know for certain how to recreate them.

It is certainly possible to create opportunities for good feelings. But we can’t force them… any more than we can MAKE the sun shine. Learning to relax and allow the good times helps us enjoy life, gives us energy to heal our bodies and create our visions, and connects with people we love on a deeper level. Practice makes most things easier… as does tapping on the fears and anxiety that can come up.

Karate Chop: Even though I feel really good right this minute, and I love this feeling, I’m scared that it will go away and I’ll never find it again.

Even though I’m nervous, I’m not used to feeling this good… and my brain wants to analyze rather than enjoy… I’m open to relaxing and basking in this good feeling.

Even though I feel connected and supported, and it feels REALLY good, I’m scared of losing this feeling… and the fear makes it hard to enjoy this moment. I ask the Universe to help me be present right now, and allow these wonderful feelings.

Top of the Head: I feel really good!
Eyebrow: I’m so grateful!
Side of the Eye: But I’m scared of this feeling going away.
Under the Eye: I want to hold on.
Under the Nose: I keep strangling the good feelings…
Chin: With my worry and anxiety.
Collarbone: I really want to allow these feelings…
Under the Arm: But they’re so new to me, so precious.

Top of the Head: I’m not used to feeling this good.
Eyebrow: It feels strange, in a good way.
Side of the Eye: I’m afraid to lose this feeling,
Under the Eye: And the fear gets in my way.
Under the Nose: I send comfort to my primitive brain.
Chin: Maybe I don’t have to figure this one out.
Collarbone: What if I could just relax and enjoy this?
Under the Arm: What if I don’t have to do anything?

Top of the Head: I keep thinking I have to work to preserve this feeling.
Eyebrow: What if I could look at it as a gift?
Side of the Eye: I’d like to allow this feeling.
Under the Eye: Really enjoy it.
Under the Nose: It will go away eventually.
Chin: All feelings do.
Collarbone: But I can enjoy it right here, right now.
Under the Arm: I can even tap on how good I feel.
Top of the Head: I thank the Universe, and I invite more of these delicious feelings!

Take a deep breath.

Does it feel okay to let good feelings come and go, just like negative ones do? We can always come back to neutral with tapping and breathing. From neutral, good feelings aren’t that far away!

Do you have some childhood beliefs that get in the way of allowing good feelings? Did you decide that once you were good enough, you would ALWAYS feel good? Just like Cinderella and the Prince living happily ever after?

If you lose that good feeling, is it proof that you aren’t good enough? Or evidence that you failed again?

Tapping on those old decisions can give you freedom and allow more flow of joyful moments… without worrying that you’ll lose the glass slipper or never find your princess!

Childhood traumas can create all kinds of rules and decisions that “haunt” us, even decades later. Release them and find your joy by joining our Group Coaching program, or by purchasing our Childhood Trauma Relief package now!


  • I have been searching for the good feelings I experienced for about 6 weeks, only a few months ago, so I loved getting this article, but I’m tapping in the hopes to find those feelings of good health, positive outlook and general good feelings once again. They seemed to go as quickly and unannounced as they came 🙁 

    • So what specifically happened at the transition between feeling good and not? For many people, they will be feeling Good and then their body will want to return to neutral, peaceful. As they start shifting from high vibration to more neutral, they will often panic… which leads to a deeper slide PAST neutral to… distressed.

      What if you do a simple breathing and tapping technique. What happens then? How do you feel?

      Anxiety Constricted Breathing – Tapping Exercise

      Another aspect to consider is if there might be some reason you don’t feel SAFE feeling really good… Is there?


  • I have been searching for the good feelings I experienced for about 6 weeks, only a few months ago, so I loved getting this article, but I’m tapping in the hopes to find those feelings of good health, positive outlook and general good feelings once again. They seemed to go as quickly and unannounced as they came 🙁 

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