Have you ever wondered if HOLDING ON… is holding you back?
It’s easy to get used to having a “load” of physical or emotional “stuff”… Kind of like that proverbial fish in water. People get used to the weight and noise… and just continue struggling under the burden.
We want to have it all!
The truth is, when there’s too much noise, it’s hard to hear the symphony of our lives. To hear what our bodies are saying to us, and our heart.
We have only so much attention and focus, and when we split it over 100s of things, we don’t give any one of them the attention they need. We never get the sense of accomplishment that would help us fill our tanks and take the next step.
Spring is a great time to clear out the old noise, take an inventory of our priorities and make some powerful progress in the direction of our REAL goals (not the should’s, and would kind of be nice to do stuff… the things that will make an impact… something we can look back on a year or a decade from now and say, “Wow, I did that!”)
Clearing out what is no longer aligned with who you are can give amazing focus and energy. We want you to be able to look back at this spring as a turning point in your life. You deserve to live a life that leaves you breathless with wonder!
Order Clearing Clutter with EFT Tapping here.
Warm wishes
Cathy and Rick