October 25, 2024 by Rick ~ ThrivingNow

#10 – How often should I tap with EFT for a chronic condition?

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EFT-Talk Podcast #10 — How often should I tap with EFT for a chronic condition?

Self-care when you have a chronic condition (physical, emotional, financial, relationship) is SO crucial, yet often people who have such a chronic condition are so overwhelmed by it that they can’t find the time to help themselves. In this EFT Talk podcast, Rick and Carol discuss:

– The energy perspective on chronic conditions.

– You don’t have to be physically healthy to get energetically up-to-speed.

– Start your self-healing with gentle tapping on natural comfort spots.

– Tap at least 3-5 times a day for a few minutes.

– Energy medicine makes you strong from the inside OUT.

EFT can provide the energy so you don’t feel so sluggish!

– Ultimately, to restore well-being, we need to interrupt the unhealthy energy patters and transform the pain into the energy towards optimal wellness.

[We apologize that due to technical difficulties, the recording quality after the first few minutes is not up to our usual standards.]


Carol Look:

Welcome to EFT-talk.com. We want to help you feel really good by combining emotional
freedom techniques — EFT — and the Law of Attraction to help you raise your vibration and feel better everyday.

Welcome Rick.

Rick Wilkes:

Hi Carol.


My question of the day is how often do you recommend taping if someone has
a chronic condition?


I think we need to start first with… what is the chronic condition from the energy perspective.

If you have any kind of chronic condition
— whether it’s a high blood pressure or fibromyalgia or anything that has been with you for a long period of time
— our energy perspective is… if your energy system is healthy and resilient then you are… healthy and resilient. If you look at a person who is lacking in vitality, lacking in health, and they are looking to transform their pain more toward health and well-being…
energy system exercise is a key aspect of it and the good news is that even if you
are confined to a bed, you can do energy work using EFT without having to get out of the bed.

You don’t have to be physically up to speed in order to become first energetically up to speed.
Then you can become physically up to speed and emotionally up to speed. That’s my perspective.
We are starting with some gentle tapping on some acupoints, very powerful points on the human body–comfort points. Those are shown on our
diagram at EFT-talk.com
if you are unfamiliar with them. So what I recommend for folks is that you tap whenever you notice that your
intensity level is getting a little high, and you at least
tap five times a day for three to five minutes… when you get up, before or after each meal, and before you go to bed.


You are talking about someone strengthening their core and their center.

Rick: Yes.


And when you consider it in those terms, it is not just about symptom reduction here, we are talking about making your whole system…
that’s where energy work, energy medicine is making you strong from inside
out which is why you say someone could be bedridden and they can do the tapping, they can do some energy exercises and really strengthen themselves, get immune system in better shape and asking them to do three to five minutes a few times a day. That shouldn’t be too much for us if we are ill or if we want to get better.


I recommend it for anyone whether have a chronic condition or not. If you are not stimulating your energy system
at times when you have some disruptions…. It can be a very minor disruption…
“I’m just not feeling as good as I like to be.” But for chronic conditions there is no
lack of not feeling great. So if you at least state certain times out for many of my clients what I recommend is that now we tap those five times when you get up, before each meal and before you go to bed. But you also tap every time you go to bathroom and
that you drink a lot of water so you end up going to the bathroom a lot more. Nice thing about going to the bathroom is of course you got some privacy. Even in a corporate office you can always use the stall and just quietly saying to yourself whatever is coming up.

I think that when you think about energy exercise, you are saying I am off balance in a certain way. And it doesn’t matter what it is… if you have a chronic condition, in the morning you might feel anxious, by midday you might feel frustrated, in the mid-afternoon you might be in some kind of
lethargy that is covering your whole right side… and it doesn’t matter what you are experiencing in the moment. It’s not like you have to wait to catch it when it is really intense. If it is a three or four of heaviness or sharp pain or something like that in your body, just pick whatever is coming up at your point of time to do some EFT, do some energy work for yourself and tap.


Have you… Lots of people who have not so much chronic fatigue syndrome but they have got fatigue as a symptom of, a real symptom of, one of their illnesses?




And they can feel a little boost from it at the beginning, then they start feeling more boost, and then they get drawn to doing it cause they really think nothing else makes them feel better. But when they get that energy, the electricity moving in their body… they don’t feel so sluggish… sluggish is it usually the term they use.
“I don’t feel so sluggish and so then I did it several times yesterday and I’m doing it again today, and I’m doing it all week.”


Most people turned it to coffee for as little bit of a buzz, or a big 32 ounce soda. 3 minutes of EFT for me can provide the same level of feeling alert and awake without the crash. The key thing here is that if you have any kind of condition which is long term, going back to it…. It means that your energy system has a pattern that we need to balance. We need to interrupt it in the middle of it and start shifting it to be more resilient, more able to process.

If you think of someone who is healthy, the same stuff happens to them. People they love will get sick or injured, they will lose a job, gain a job, move, get married, get divorced, all kind of things may happen to them. But if you look at them and say,
“Well that didn’t really impact their health, what is the difference?” Their energy system is more resilient. Just like you can take somebody who is strong physically and have them chop lumber for an entire day,
whereas someone else 15 minutes would kill them, they would be in hospital for weeks. And if you start thinking of your energy system in that way and also start putting it at the top of list. I feel that the health of the energy system is the primary indicator of how you are going to feel physically, emotionally, spiritually… and the abundance that you are attracted to in your life.


I know so I’ve done the experiments on my own body, you have to, and someone says “Oh, Carol I don’t have three minutes five times a day.” Then
we know we have another issues to tap on. If you cannot and I don’t care this goes for parents, this goes for people who work any kind of field, if you don’t have 10 to 15 minutes throughout the day for yourself, you have some major restructuring to do.

Even small children will say this is mommy’s time for four minutes, three minutes you can do. It is really valuable. I just call it self-care. What I am asking people to do is what I ask of myself is to get yourself strong from the inside out… and the energy work…. We exercise that doesn’t even last, the results of being in the gym, they don’t stick if your energy system is corrupted or you know very
depleted is the right word. If you are depleted, you are depleted.


if you are going to be doing a physical activity that is a stretch, out of your comfort zone…. Even it means I’m going for a walk up and down the driveway and I have done that in forever.

Doing some EFT on how you feel first, is like part of the warm up. And this may seem very strange to people who have not taken
an energy approach to it. But as you said, it’s about self care and there is a
burden to self care from some perspectives when we are feeling overwhelmed. You can feel like “Oh, no!
This is just one more thing”.

Carol: Right.


and that’s why working it in to your day at convenient time when you’re waking up, before or after a meal, when you go to the bathroom, when you get into your car to go home from work, just tap for three minutes. Now… I encourage people, if they don’t feel comfortable doing it in the parking lot of their place of employment, that there is somewhere along the route between work and home where you can safely pull off and quickly process away some of the junk that you’ve picked up energetically during the day.


Remember everyone, there are lots of shortcuts. You can go to our websites and read about them. There are just ways where you can do a little bit of tapping where you don’t have to go through every single setup statement and every single spot. You know, I’ve been doing a lot of just my fingerpoints against each other. I’m doing my five fingers against these five fingers, and I can do that in public. I do a lot of just the karate chop point.


Yes, and for me, my favorite points are the collarbone points.




So if I’m on the phone–


Yes. [laughter]


–and I’m starting to feel a little off, tap-tap-tap-tap-tap, and you know when three, four, five years ago my energy system wasn’t the same resilience that it is today. But now it takes very little, and you know people will laugh and ask us “Does this mean I’m going to be tapping like this for the rest of my life?” Well, maybe. [laughter]


Maybe. You’re brushing your teeth for the rest of your life. You’re eating–


I take a shower every day. If it feels good to you and it gives you results, you will want to incorporate it and use it for emotional self care and physical self care.


And remember, when you are feeling good about yourself because you are caring for yourself, the abundance changes, not just the physical health, the abundance. Your relationships change.


Your ability to feel, actually feel, gratitude, love, and appreciation. I had a client who sent me a nice note that said “I’ve noticed that my husband is telling me how beautiful I am, and he insists that he’s been telling me this all along, but this weekend, I really felt it!” [laughter] And that is as a result of using the EFT to help clear some of these energies that keep us from even hearing and feeling what our loved ones are sharing with us.


Perfect. Let’s do some tapping… and everyone again please go to EFT-talk.com if you’d like to see a picture of the points that we are talking about and learn about EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is really for us, it’s the best tool we have ever found to help us just blast
through the wall of attraction for what we want. It really, really does the job.


What I’d like to do is start with just this issue of self care.




All right. So at the karate chop point, just tap continuously at the karate chop while you repeat what I’m saying.

Even though I don’t have time for myself.


Even though I don’t have time for myself.


And I don’t see that ever changing.


And I don’t see that ever changing.


I’m open to the possibility–


I’m open to the possibility–


Of a few minutes a day–


That a few minutes a day–


Might give me more energy.


Might give me more energy.


Even though I don’t have time for myself–


Even though I don’t have time for myself–


I’ve got too much to do.


I have too much to do.


And I’m too sick.


And I’m too sick.


And too tired.


And too tired.


And I never think about it.


And I never think about it.


And now I feel guilty that I’ve got one more thing that I have to do.


And now I feel guilty that I have one more thing to do on my list.


I’m open to being surprisingly calm and confident.


I’m open to being surprisingly calm and confident.


There’s a few minutes that I can fit this in.


There’s a few minutes that I can fit this in.


Three to five times a day.


Three to five times a day.


Top of the head. I’m doing other things anyway.


I’m doing other things anyway.


I can do it while I’m talking on the phone.


I can do it while I’m talking on the phone.


But someone is sure to upset me.


Someone is sure to upset me.


While I’m talking to them on the phone.


While I’m talking to them on the phone.


So I can just do some tapping.


I can just do some tapping.


They don’t even have to know.


They don’t even have to know about it.


That’s right. Collarbone. And I have to use the restroom.


And I have to use the restroom.


And I can just do a little tapping then.


I can just do a little tapping then.


I can fit this into my schedule.


I can fit this into my schedule.


I can easily fit it into my schedule.


I can easily fit this into my schedule.


I’m going to feel the value of it.


I’m going to feel the value of it.


I’m going to recognize the value of it.


I’m going to recognize the value of it.


This is different.


This is different.


It’s even a little weird.


It’s even a little weird.


But I can feel my body responding. Under the arm.


But I can feel my body responding.


And that’s what I want.


And that’s what I want.


I want to feel really good.


I want to feel really good.


And I choose to find it surprisingly easy…


I choose to find it surprisingly easy.


To get on the road to optimal health.


To get on the road to optimal health.


Take a deep breath.


[breathes in and out] Good.


I feel some tingles and movement in my arms and hands from that.


Reminded me… I do it more than I think I do it, and I think the habit is really, really important, and I think I’ve incorporated it into my day many, many times that I wouldn’t necessarily check off a list because I’m doing the shortcuts or I’m doing the karate chop or I love the collarbone, is also my favorite point, or I’m doing a
phone session and I’m tapping the entire time with the other person on the phone session. I’m getting a lot of tapping in.


Yeah, and let me take that… I believe that if someone wants to make a real shift in their health and well-being that there is a real role for devoted time each day for a longer stretch to be tapping on a recording, perhaps, of a session that you did with a practitioner. You could be tapping along with the weekly tapalongs from your abundance package.




We each have recordings out there that we offer to people. Even to be listening to a gratitude party recording.




Anything that helps you to tune in to your energy system and helps you feel a bit more alive. You can tap along with music that inspires you. When I was first starting with EFT, there was a CD that just spoke to me, and I would be going in the car and I would just safely tap the points that I could reach while I was sitting at a stoplight, waiting for traffic to clear. I could tap the collarbone, top of the head, eyebrow and everything else and feel even better, feel more connected to the vibration and that’s what you and I are teaching here.




It’s how to raise your vibration, consciously raise your vibration, because if you’re chronically ill, your vibration, you know
for what’s manifesting in your life… Your vibration is not in the band of optimal health.




But you can get there.




You can get there little bit by little bit, three minutes at a time, 17 seconds at a time. It doesn’t really matter.




You take conscious effort. Your body will say “Oh, she’s listening to me.”


“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”


“I’m going to get some care and attention for a change. Now I can start intuitively guiding him in how to really get back to where we want to be.”


Right. And when you think about it, now we have six podcasts out. For several weeks now we’ve had them. You can go back and listen to number one again, those of you who have been following from the beginning. I go back and listen to them and they’re sometimes in the background and sometimes I’m just sitting there and tapping with them. And that’s very helpful, too.


You and I both have had on our diet, daily diet, high vibration, information, connection…




It’s crucial if you want to live a really
thriving, abundant life, you’re going to have to have on your diet things that inspire that kind of vibration.




Now it can be gardening, if that does it for you.


It could be playing with a puppy.


Right. It could be playing with your kids. If that does it for you, and for each of us that will be a unique mix of things that give you joy.


I was just going to say, that produce the joy. Well, thank you, Rick. That was a wonderful one.


Thank you, Carol.


Thank you everyone and please go to EFT-talk.com
or email ask@eft-talk.com and give us your questions and we will talk to you soon. Thank you!

[music plays]

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