April 25, 2024 by Rick ~ ThrivingNow

#33 – Can’t Think Straight!

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Tap Talk Radio #33 – Can’t Think Straight!

Ever felt so stressed and scattered you didn’t know what to do? And you couldn’t even think of what to tap on?

How can you decide what to tap on when you’re really scattered, overwhelmed, and stressed? Here are 8 minutes of tapping and tips to tune you back into your body and mind… so you can relax and focus again.

If you want more in-depth and comprehensive guidance for changing your stressed and scattered feelings into calm and productive energies, get From Clarity to Overwhelm, today!

From Overwhelm to Clarity

Overwhelm keeps us from knowing how to direct our energy in pleasing, loving, and effective ways. In this audio coaching and energy tapping (EFT) program, Carol Look and Rick Wilkes help you shift easily from chronic overwhelm to CLARITY.

Only $47 (147-page e-book and 5+ hours of coaching & tapping audios) Learn more…

How OVERWHELMED Are You? Just 7 quick questions and you’ll immediately get suggestions based on your score to help you move from Overwhelm to Clarity. Take the Quiz

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