January 13, 2020 by Rick ~ ThrivingNow

Does your HEART make choices EASIER?

Imagine… you have a best friend… a true BFF. You’re supporting her 24/7, really pumping out the energy. You’re tuned into the life you share and have an awareness of so much that is going on inside and outside your relationship.

But when it comes to making decisions (that affect you both!) she just does her own thing. Always.

She feels that her perceptions are the only ones that are valid and logical.

She insists that your perspectives, on the rare times you get a word in edgewise, will just cause pain and suffering… and are impractical anyway.

And you’re stuck going along, because you have no other choice.

How would you feel about being in such a relationship?

Well… I’d feel intensely distressed! My internal pressure would increase. I would feel attacked and disregarded. I’d feel deprived of the nourishment and mutuality that comes from decisions that are SHARED and a YES-YES for both. I’d want OUT… even if it killed me.

Is it any wonder there is so much heart disease?!?

There would simply be no way to maintain a friendship if a person disregarded and disrespected, ignored and ridiculed the other person like some people treat their own heart.

For sick people, my #1 recommendation is that they quiet the inner noise and beliefs that block them… and make a continual effort to CULTIVATE a mutual love relationship with their heart.

For people who want to thrive at the next level of energy and vitality, my #1 recommendation is that they continue to quiet the inner noise and any beliefs that crop up to block them… and strengthen and nourish the interconnected love relationship between heart and mind and body and spirit… inside themselves and with others.

Why? Because your heart field is where you have access to ALL your Extra Sensory Perceptions!

And this isn’t woo-woo. Those of us who have cultivated this Heart-Mind connection in deep, rich, and subtle ways become intimately aware of what is going on in our body… and even the body-minds of those we love (including people not in the same building… or even the same country.)

We can feel for when a product, service, or person is a YES!

We can know when it is time to nap, and when it is time to dance. We can feel whether a food is truly right for us IN THIS NOW MOMENT – regardless of whether it is a favorite “usually” or something we don’t usually prefer.

While my brain has 5 senses of sound, sight, smell, taste, and touch… my heart adds harmony to all of them and then adds thousands more… infinite rich combinations of Awareness and Delight.

Your heart and its sensitivities and intelligences can make life easier.

Or it can make living a nightmare and heartbreak.

Highly sensitive people get overwhelmed and either try to shut down or hide.

Really Smart People can get so in their heads they forget how to dance… or even digest a meal.

12122738_10153317095168666_9121937214768633405_nSo how do we help our devoted heart make our life EASIER?

Go within. Connect. Listen. Love. Engage. Enjoy.

Recognize that if you’re not YET good at this, it’s okay to be awkward (even confused).

Note that your heart can make things EASIER… easier and much more satisfying and nourishing than life is without heart engagement and co-creation. AND, it’s about being easier… not always easy.

Leading edge explorers are doing potent work in the world. Solopreneurs. Coaches. Creators and Co-creators. Parents. Lovers. Dancers. Laughers.

To be able to dance and laugh when heavy worldstuff is all over the news is not “easy.” Our heart, though, can remind us of so many ways we can feel good, grateful, and contributing in our way to a Better World. (My head alone cannot. Thank you heart for making it EASIER.)

Exploring Love, Life, and Laughter is what I am all about, and blending it with an awareness of What Is and imaginings of what is possible.

Without access to a tribe and intimate circle who share this exploration, my heart feels untethered. Ungrounded. Unexpressed. It’s why I co-created the international Thriving Now Team with people who also crave healthy connection and vision sharing. It’s ten years young… and we’re just getting started!

So once again, I invite like-hearted beings to join us. Heart-Facilitated Decisions are a core focus for us always.

Right now, The Emotional Freedom Circle is structured both for people getting started in this work… and also those with many years of experience who now want to feel even stronger and more confident in their heart decisions.

Together we build resiliency faster and easier than alone. Together we expand and explore with more “feelers” out there in the world than we do alone. Together the “inputs” become less overwhelming… and our shared curiosity fuels changes in behavior that serve our Thriving.

Cathy and I invite you to ask questions and share with us. Our email is support@thrivingnow.com.

Thanks sweet hearts!



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