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EFT-Talk Podcast #9—What questions can get me to my core issues?
Often it is hard to get to the core issues, the energies deep within us that disturb our well-being. In this EFT Talk Podcast, Carol Look explores key questions to ask yourself (or have your therapist ask you) to bring up for relief with EFT tapping those specific events that have been stored in your body-mind. Here are some of those questions:
– How long have you suffered with this, and what was going on in your life around the time it started?
– Who else in your family suffered with this?
– What would you be focusing on if you were not worrying about the condition?
– What’s the “downside” of getting over this problem?
– What would you have to DO that you don’t want to do if you were better?
– What happened the last time you were (happy, sober, at your ideal weight, etc.)?
– What does this feeling remind you of?
Other helpful articles:
– Rick’s EFT audio session NO! You Can’t Make Me!