October 25, 2024 by Rick ~ ThrivingNow

#11 – How can I handle success using EFT and gratitude lists?

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EFT-Talk Podcast #11 — How can I handle success using EFT and gratitude lists?

What is your image of success? Does it feel successful when you try it on? In this EFT podcast, Carol and Rick tap into the energy of success using EFT and gratitude lists, and…

– Create a vision of success that is pleasing to you, or you will sabotage yourself long before success manifests.

– Ask yourself the question, “What is the downside of becoming successful?”

– What if everyone around you is a failure?

– What is it that you really want to feel with the financial abundance?

– What will a gratitude list do for you?

– EFT rounds on “Afraid of being overwhelmed with success” and “What if it’s just like the LAST time?”

Helpful links:

Carol Look’s Attracting Abundance with EFT e-book with audio recordings

– Rick’s collection of articles on Thriving with Financial Abundance


Rick Wilkes:

Welcome to EFT Talk with your hosts Carol Look and Rick Wilkes, helping you to attract abundance and success into your life using the power of EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and the Law of Attraction. Today’s question, Carol – “A lot of people are concerned that when they get the success that they want, they won’t be able to handle it, so…
How can I handle success?

Carol Look:

Great question! It’s so complicated for people, because they all say they want success, and then they have this image of success as being not very successful. So I have people say, “Well, what am I going to do? I won’t have any more time if I’m successful.” And I have to say to them, “How do you get that image? Where did you get that from? What does that mean to you?” I was doing this three-day class on abundance, the vibration of abundance, this weekend, and someone said, “I’m afraid of all the changes in my relationships. What’s going to happen? I can’t handle success, because the relationships will change.
What’s going to happen to my time? How do I handle more of the money, the clients, the business?” So it’s a critical question because if people can’t answer it satisfactorily, they will do something to sabotage themselves.


It’s all about having a vision of success that is compatible with feeling good.


You definitely need to have a vision that works for you, or else you’ll sabotage long before you get there. So that’s critical. You want to also ask yourself my favorite question, “What’s the down side of becoming successful?” That’s where you often get the responses, “Well, I won’t have any time for my family?” Well, who says?
Where do you get the image that being more successful means you can’t spend as much time with your kids? How do you get there? “Well, I have a neighbor who’s never home.” Oh. “Well, I have a brother who overworks, ”
Oh. We get images from the world around us or we hear stories, so yes, a vision is critical, along with many other things.


How about a role model or mentor, or someone that you see who has what you want. Is that important?


Yes, very important. Then you can imagine it; you’ve seen it in real life. So these people who are all caught up into the envy and “That’s not fair, how come he got it?” Well, you ought to bless him for having it and say, “Hey, that person was able to land that job, hire that money manager, and he’s home with his kids.”


What about the person that really looks around their life, and there’s no one who has successful relationships and there’s no one that has a successful job? How is the law of attraction keeping them in that state?


That they don’t have success also?


Not only that they don’t have success, but that they can’t even picture it?


Mmm hmm.


They seem to have attracted into their life a lot of the absence of it.




How does someone get out of that rut?


I would do several things. One, of course, would be EFT, of course, of course. But I would also start making your own pictures. We can picture anything even if we haven’t seen it. I mean, I can picture a house that I’ve never seen in a beautiful place I’ve never seen and a kind of life when I don’t know anyone who has it. You can do that, it takes some work, you need to take notes, use your visualization, feel it in your body.
“Oh, that would feel so wonderful!” And look for the end result.

What are you actually looking for? When people in this class are talking about money, I’ll say, “Well, what is it that you really want with the financial abundance?” And most of them said, “Freedom.” Freedom. Freedom? Well, then, imagine yourself feeling profoundly free and relaxed and enjoying your day, and spending time with the people that you love. And that feeling of the end result, as well as the picture. But that feeling in your body and in your emotions will really speed you up towards getting that in your life, even if, as you say, you don’t have a model of it. It’s ok if you don’t have a model of it.


What I love about EFT is that it helps clear the blocks to being able to feel that freedom, even for someone that has never felt faith and free before. That’s one of the things I love about your process…
it is taking people through clearing the blocks that keep them nailed down vibrationally into feeling guilty if they even want more money… Feeling ashamed that they’re not satisfied and grateful with the meager living that they’re eeking out, and that there are other people have even less. These are the things that people refer to at the dinner table.


Right, and then I tell people, “Are you doing your gratitude
list every day?
” Where are the gratitude lists?


What does that do for someone, the gratitude lists? Someone not feeling grateful all day long, you’re asking them at the end of the day or some time during the day to stop and make a list of what they’re grateful for. That seems like a big challenge for a lot of people.


It is the fastest way for a lot of people next to EFT, to change the vibration. And if you want to change, you change your vibration. That’s the only way you’re going to change is by changing your vibration, and if you change it in your vibrational world first, so the gratitude lists… I prefer that people do it in the morning, but I know it’s hard to get up and do it in the morning. The gratitude walk is a wonderful way to do it. What it does is it makes you focus.

Now even if you’ve only five things on your list, four things on your list, at least you’ve changed your focus. And when you’re focusing on your beautiful home, or the beautiful back yard, or how adorable your dog is, or the kids and how well they are doing… If you’re focusing on a few things, your energy shifts right away, and you can’t be focused on the negative. You can’t do both at the same time. You cannot say yes and no at the same time.


And if we take this back to the question at hand, how can I feel comfortable with success? How can I use EFT for that? It also goes to the gratitude lists. How can someone use the gratitude lists as they’re moving into a successful place to feel more calm and confident?


Right, and I say then do the past tense gratitude lists. Thank you, universe, for sending me such a perfect balance in my schedule.


Even if there is no perfect balance in your schedule at that point.


Yes. Not yet. Thank you, God, for allowing me to get where I wanted to get without being overwhelmed. I didn’t know it was so easy.


[laughing] I like that.


It’s really incredible as far as law of attraction. If you actually feel that, thank you for such incredible freedom in my life. If you’re actually pretending, and pretending is wonderful, pretending gets you there. If you actually feel that, then it brings more of that into your life… there’s the Law of Attraction working beautifully. Which is why EFT and Law of Attraction work together, because EFT will change your vibration around any issue, and then you’ve got a different range of reach in your life. You can reach different feelings and different opportunities iwhen your feelings are better.




Want to do some tapping?


I do.


Just one other thing about the freedom. People say they want to feel freedom, but then what’s the next “Yes, but”? It’s often, but I’ll feel guilty if I feel free. So it can be circular some times;
people have to keep going to the “yes, but I’ll feel guilty if I’m free, but
that’s what I want. I want financial abundance, but I’ll feel guilty.” Lots
of layers to that. But let’s do some tapping for afraid of being overwhelmed
with success, afraid of not having enough time.


Yes. I think that’s where people start. They have this impression that you have to be a workaholic to be successful and to have the things that money can buy.


Exactly, exactly. So everyone, if you do not where those points are, please to go to
www.eft-talk.com and there’s an article there with a picture of the points for EFT, and we’ll get started. Karate chop. Even though I’m afraid of success.


Even though I’m afraid of success…


Because I assume I’ll be overwhelmed…


Because I assume I’ll be overwhelmed…


I deeply and profoundly accept who I am.


I deeply and profoundly accept who I am.


Even though I’m afraid I won’t enough time…


Even though I’m afraid I won’t enough time…


I’m afraid I’ll be overwhelmed…


I’m afraid I’ll be overwhelmed…


And I can’t handle it…


And I can’t handle it…


I choose to accept the success in my life now.


I choose to accept the success in my life now.


Even though I’m afraid of being overwhelmed…


Even though I’m afraid of being overwhelmed…


Not having enough time…


Not having enough time…


Not being able to handle the success I wanted…


Not being able to handle the success that I really wanted…


I choose to accept my feelings and who I am.


I choose to accept my feelings and who I am.


Then go to the eyebrow. I’m afraid of being overwhelmed.


I’m afraid of being overwhelmed.


Side of the eye. What if I don’t have enough time?


What if I don’t have enough time?


Under the eye. What if success brings more conflict?


What if success brings more conflict?


Under the nose. What if I can’t handle the success that I want?


What if I can’t handle the success that I want?


Chin. I’m afraid of becoming overwhelmed.


I’m afraid of becoming overwhelmed.


Collar bone. I’m afraid I can’t handle it.


I’m afraid I can’t handle it.


Armpit. I’m afraid of success.


I’m afraid of success.


Top of the head. What if I can’t manage it?


What if I can’t manage it?


Eyebrow. What if I can?


What if I can?


Side of the eye. What if I work out a balanced life?


What if I work out a balanced life?


Under the eye. I intend to have a balanced life.


I intend to have a balanced life.


Under the nose. I choose to balance my schedule.


I choose to balance my schedule.


Chin. I love feeling so good about this.


I love feeling so good about this.


Collar bone. I’m attracting success right now.


I’m attracting success right now.


Armpit. And I can handle all of it.


And I can handle all of it.


Top of the head. And I appreciate being so successful.


And I appreciate being so successful.


Good, take a deep breath. So there are some times I start with a negative round and go right into a positive round and try to shift the energy there.


I like that. I always like that combination because it will show up the
“Yes, but’s.”


Yes, right away. You want to do another one? Did anything come out of it for you?


Yes, there is a certain vague sense that success one time came with illness and an enormous amount of stress. And the sense of, well, look what happened last time. Working with clients I hear that a lot, you know, I didn’t handle it last time, or this happened last time. I’d like to shift toward a vibration of positive expectancy for myself and all of our listeners… a place of just being sure, that it’s going to be different from last time.


And that’s one of my favorite questions that I ask people when they have any goal. I say,
What happened the last time you reached your last goal?” And the look that comes over their face… there’s always an association whether it’s about weight loss or quitting smoking or money or relationships. What happened the last time?


What happened the last time?


What happened. OK. Karate chop: Even though I associate success with stressful times.


Even though I associate success with stressful times.


I assume it has to be that way again.


I assume it has to be that way again.


I deeply and completely accept my feelings about it.


I deeply and completely accept my feelings about it.


Even though I assume that success will be associated with stress again.


Even though I assume that success will be associated with stress again.


I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Eyebrow. What if success means stress?


What if success means stress?


Side of the eye. I remember what happened last time.


I remember what happened last time.


Under the eye. I’m worried about it.


I’m worried about it.


Under the nose. I remember what happened last time.


I remember what happened last time.


Chin. I’m afraid of being overwhelmed again.


I ‘m afraid of being overwhelmed again.


Collar bone. I’m afraid of being overwhelmed this time.


I’m afraid of being overwhelmed this time.


Armpit. It’s hard to forget what happened last time.


Very hard to forget what happened last time.


Top of the head. But I’m so different now.


But I’m so different now.


Eyebrow. What if I created positive expectations?


What if I created positive expectations?


Side of the eye. I’m really looking forward to it.


I’m really looking forward to it.


Under the eye. I’m going to do it differently this time.


I’m going to do it so differently this time.


Under the nose. It’s going to be so different.


It’s going to be so different.


Chin. I love knowing how successful I already am.


I love knowing how successful I already am.


Collar bone. I feel so positive about it.


I feel so positive about it.


Armpit. I expect to be wildly successful.


I expect to be wildly successful.


Top of the head. And free, and balanced and joyful.


And free, and balanced and joyful.


Good. Take a breath. So even if you get “yes, butz” with that,
then that’s another round to tap on.


Yeah, and what’s nice about these recordings is that you can go back and if, on that round, there might be a little bit of discomfort, something came up, you can listen to it again. And it’ll come up again, and it’ll come up again, and it’ll come up again… and you
are repeatedly soothing the energy and getting it to a place where the round of positive expectation feels like where you are.




That’s how you know when the words you’re saying in the positive round feel like ‘Yes that’s me, yes. That’s where I am, yes, that’s where I’m going’.


Wonderful. And that’s why you and I love the EFT and law of attraction; together they just catapult
us forward with real expectation and just that vibration, that feels so exciting, like this isn’t just
possible, this is probable… and then you go from probable to ‘it’s a done deal’.


Right. And the interesting thing is that if you’ve done these exercises, you will start noticing in your life… you start seeing examples of what you want. The law of attraction as you shift your vibration, the examples that you will perceive will start coming to you. If you have a dream of having a Volkswagen Beetle with a sunroof in silver you will start noticing one, and then two and then six and then 6000 of them coming through your experience. I’ve seen that with clients where they really get to a place of expectancy and then it starts being tuned to: ‘How much do I want to pay for it, and what color are the seats’ and all these other things. And whether it’s your relationship or any part of your life.


Right, you might be looking for a certain kind of relationship and you go to a restaurant and you see people that just seem to have the attitude or balance or the energy around them and instead of being jealous and ‘oh, that’s not fair, why do they have it’, you want to say ‘hey, it’s out there and I just saw it’.


That’s right. And that’s where the gratitude comes in. I’m grateful that it’s out there and I’m starting to tune into it. And that’s my evidence that I’m getting closer. The fact that I’m noticing it more, I’m noticing the attributes that I want in a relationship, and, I may have some preferences, I might prefer a brunette versus a blonde or something like that, but I’m noticing things that are closer and that’s the sign that vibrationally you are making a shift. In an infinite universe you’re going to start to attracting to yourself closer and closer matches, and if you can stay on this journey of increasing your vibration as your way of feeling good, your life experiences will start to reflect that as well.


And start to look for the evidence and expect the evidence.


I would say that one of the best tools that I use with my clients is your ebook with audio recordings on
Attracting Abundance with EFT.
What I have my clients do when they’re coming from a place of lack is to go through that first section on clearing the blocks and do it consistently every day… and the people that I have in my life and in my client base that have been doing that consistently have noticed within six months things seem very, very different.




And by picking and choosing, as you’ve gone through it systematically, going and picking and choosing on that particular day, what is the issue that seems to draw your attention, allowing the law of attraction and your intuition to guide you. Do the exercise, do a couple of rounds, pick a couple of them, just in the morning, takes you less than five minutes…
It can clear those blocks, and then raise your vibrations to a place where success seems very rich and wonderful and relaxed and peaceful rather than something stressful that you have to get in order to prove that you are worthy.


Right, right. I wrote the book because it works, I mean I came up with the book based on the exercises I used consistently to break myself through comfort zones and to get over some blocks I had. So, it works, we know that.


Yeah, and it’s using vibrational therapy, vibrational approaches rather than just trying to think; it’s including a body component and that’s one of those powerful aspects of EFT for all of us. Thank you Carol. That was wonderful!


Thank you, thank you!


I’m going to listen to this a couple of times myself and if you have a question or a thought that you’d like to share with us send it to ask@EFT-talk.com.
We’ll talk to you next time!

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