August 18, 2016 by Rick ~ ThrivingNow

#08 – Why am I afraid of my freedom?

Listen (14:38) or Download MP3

EFT-Talk Podcast #8—Why am I afraid of my freedom?

– Babies KNOW what they want… their inner guidance speaks loud and clear.
– Yet, parenting often seeks to control and discipline based on what others want rather than what the child feels is best… and this goes even for cases where a child’s Inner Wisdom was definitely Right… especially in hindsight. We develop a “confused” connection to our own guidance… and that makes us fear our freedom of choice.
– Inner guidance is the strongest impulse we have and works through our emotions.
– Now you can use EFT to feel SAFE following your own inner guidance.
– Develop a discernment of your body’s YES and NO answers… trusting that you can take the fork in the road that feels even a bit better than the other.
– EFT can help you to move into your personal POWER which is also your FREEDOM… and feel calm and confident.
– Saying YES when your intuition says NO is a sure way to squash your energy system and lower your vibration.
– Honor your own heart… regardless of their reaction… and use EFT to feel strong in your choice.

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