​​​​PUSH<->PULL = Don’t get too close! Don’t go away! (2016-12-05)

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or listen to the recording

PUSH<->PULL = Don’t get too close! Don’t go away!

Oh the PUSH and PULL of relationships!

One moment we’re wanting closeness… then uncomfortable body sensations can arise. Then, when someone moves away, different body sensations (naturally) signal their leaving… but can trigger deep feelings of hurt and abandonment.

It’s time to get savvy with these sensation and tap to shift our reactions.

Using our imagination and tuning into the body, we move towards harmony and flow. We get more and more comfortable inviting safe people into our space, and relax and even celebrate their freedom as they move about their lives — closer, further, closer, further.

So in this tapping circle we continue to explore how you can build resiliency and calm confidence in your body and your mind when relating with others.

cathy-rick-2013-06-whitebkgrndBe ready to take notes, but more importantly, be ready to tap together! (Here’s our free tapping guide if you don’t already have it.)

Cathy & Rick


Webinar Details & Access Information

We strongly encourage you to attend LIVE if your schedule and timezone can possibly permit. If not or you want to listen again, the recording will be available at the link below immediately after the call.

Balancing Stress and Overwhelm
Thursday, November 17th at 9:30 PM Eastern

Attend by Phone: (425) 440-5100 (see below for alternative connection options)
Guest pin code: 319998#
Live Webinar + Recording after the call:

Options for Connecting – Phone, Web call, Skype Dial-Out, Internet Audio

1) Call directly using a telephone or other calling plan:

Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 :: Secondary dial in number: (412) 209-4513
Other local numbers (including non-US): http://nconnects.com/local/

2) Use the Web Call feature which REQUIRES either Google Chrome or Firefox browsers and a computer microphone (ideally a headset). When the time comes for the call, use this link to connect:


3) Purchase Skype credits and call the conference telephone number in the United States for $1.38/hour. Unlimited calling to the U.S. is $6.99/month. If you use this option, you will need to know how to show the dialpad and enter the conference PIN 319998# once you connect. You can learn more here:


4) Attend in Listen-Only mode using any web browser at the webinar link.

We recommend having at least 2 of these options available to you for the call, so if one is not working for any reason, you can still attend.

Private Sessions with Rick

If you really WANT to have more safe, nourishing closeness in your life… but you have these key past experiences that make your body feel fear when even IMAGINING being close to others, I’d be honored to do some tapping with you in private. One-on-one coaching sessions are available this month. I also have a limited number of gliding scale sessions available, too. I can be reached at rick@thrivingnow.com or you can schedule online with me here.



Use the comment form below or email us at support@thrivingnow.com. —Rick & Cathy

  • Don’t Go AWAY! (At least without sharing one or two key insights you got for yourself during this session!) Thanks! Love having you as part of this Circle. <3

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