​​​​Emotional Freedom Circle

For those ready to bring more life energy to their deepest intentions...

Co-Create Your Thriving Life

The Emotional Freedom Circle for Aspiring and Engaged Builders

We believe that emotional freedom is the foundation for meaningful work and authentic thriving... especially when we can laugh, love, and feel more alive while we're doing it!

We know that cultivating emotional resilience is core to a sustainable, emotionally rich life. In a world where anxiety, worry, stress, anger, financial unease, and conflict are so prevalent, people like us who learn and practice social and emotional skills make the world a better place... and that matters.

We trust in our collective wisdom to bring our intuition, life experience, and curiosity together in nourishing ways. The safety, respect, and presence we give one another allows us to tend to our inner landscape while nourishing our outer efforts, leading to healing, clarity, authenticity, and real freedom. This has been consistently true for all 17+ years of these circles.

If this feels appealing to you, we invite you to join us today. 

+ Let's Circle + Let's Nurture Our Heartistry Together +

How Does The Circle Work?


Circle Coaching & Tapping Sessions are held 8 times a month (every 3-5 days). One or two experienced coaches (Rick Wilkes plus Cathy Vartuli and special guests) facilitate each session. Two of these sessions are Real Skills Workshops that focus in on core issues for 90 minutes.

We use EFT Tapping extensively since it is a potent and efficient emotional technology. We also include grounding, visualization, and energy exercises. Some sessions have a specific focus. Other sessions are open and circle members volunteer to tap on what is coming up in their lives. All members tap along and benefit personally.

This group coaching approach is proven to be both practical and effective. Sessions are on the Zoom platform available worldwide by computer and phone. Times and days vary to cover different timezones and schedules. We have members around the world, and we use English for all sessions.


Self-Paced Coaching Resources are included with circle membership. Eight proven coaching and tapping programs (that cost $416 when purchased separately) are available to all circle members immediately! In addition, the members-only library includes hundreds of sessions to choose from covering emotional issues, pain relief, relationships, financial abundance, spiritual connection, making decisions, building a business, stress relief, and so much more.


Generous support has always been the core value of the Thriving Now Circles. We respond to members live in the circle calls (with more calls each month than other coaching programs costing 20x as much). Our community center forums are where we can share and celebrate and ask questions. For sensitive matters, we offer email responses, too. We love being generous! And we attract circle members who love being generous, too, while we all maintain healthy boundaries. YES!

Emotional Freedom Circle

One Time
Member Fee

Gliding Scale Group Coaching Program

  • Circle Coaching and Tapping Sessions 6x per month
  • Real Skills Workshops 2x per month to develop skills for Thriving
  • Extensive Self-Paced Resource Library including 8 programs worth $416
  • Community Center Forums and Email Support
  • Credit Cards, Paypal, and Bitcoin Accepted
  • One-Time ("Lifetime") Membership Fee covers all Circle Member services without expiration.

Do you need to request a partial or full scholarship? Email us at support@thrivingnow.com

Self-Paced Coaching Programs INCLUDED!

All Circle Memberships Include Access to These Proven EFT Tapping & Coaching Programs
(Worth $416 When Purchased Separately)

Stress Relief on Tap

Childhood Trauma Relief

Sleep Now...

Sleep Now

Pain Relief with EFT

What To DO... When You Don't Know What To DO!

What to DO...

From Overwhelm to Clarity

Healing Money

Being Seen

Frequently Asked Questions

You can also ask in a comment below or by email to support@thrivingnow.com

Who are the coaches?

Rick Wilkes is an Emotional Freedom Coach, with deep skill with EFT Tapping, and the owner of Thriving Now, LLC. He's hosted over 1200 circle sessions since 2006 and has over 28 years of experience in energy therapies for relieving emotional and physical pain and trauma.

Rick uses intuition and a deep understanding of human nature to bring relief, clarity, and insight to those looking for a thriving life now. He delights in co-creating with clients in over 77 countries through Zoom, Skype, and phone.

You can learn more about Rick
 and schedule gliding scale private sessions with him here.

Cathy Vartuli is also an Emotional Freedom Coach and expert in EFT Tapping. She's the founder of TheIntimacyDojo.com and believes all the power, insight, and charisma we seek is hidden in our shame and that we can mine and transform our experiences and discover all we've been missing.

She's co-created numerous courses and coaching sessions with Rick since 2007 where she's helped people leverage their shyness and awkwardness to initiate and build connection, and grow past limiting beliefs, old hurts and self-sabotage to create relationships that are warm, fulfilling, and passionate.

Visit Cathy at TheIntimacyDojo.com

Carol Look is an EFT Master, Intuitive Energy Healer, and Psychotherapist. Carol was trained as a traditional psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist. She is an author, speaker, abundance coach and the creator of "The Yes Code" – her unique coaching style helps you clear your fears, find your "yes" and make the right decisions to live a life of passion, peace and harmony.

She's co-created with Rick the program Clearing Clutter from the Inside Out (as well as Pain Relief with EFT and From Overwhelm to Clarity which are included with all circle memberships).

Visit Carol at CarolLook.com

We believe everyone has wisdom that flows from their life experiences, intuition, and connection to divine intelligence. We treat everyone in the circle as being contributors as we engage our emotional energy together. 

This is NOT like a classroom where there is a sole teacher and everyone else is passively "learning." When we tap together, everyone benefits in an actively engaged way.  

We do also invite circle members who demonstrate generous support for others and outside facilitators to co-host circle sessions at times. 

When are the circle sessions scheduled? (Timezones)

You can attend live circle sessions from around the world via Zoom and phone. We understand that everyone has different availability, so we try and mix the start times for sessions so members can attend several sessions each month.

Typical starts times in Eastern Time (same as Washington, DC) are: 11am, 230pm, 5pm, and 830pm. Calls are both weekdays and weekends. During your first months of membership you will see how the circle schedule fits yours. If you have special requests, email us. Our current schedule has worked well for current members for the past few years. We want it to work for you, too!

Are sessions recorded?

Sessions that are considered "Open" are NOT recorded. With advance notice we can allow a member who is volunteering to record just their segment on their own computer for their private use. Not recording the Open circle sessions allows for greater ease and comfort when tapping on certain emotional issues.

Real Skills Workshops and Special Topic Sessions are recorded and all tapping volunteers consent to the use of their part of the session for replay for circle members and specific courses we may develop. Some sessions are also for the wider community and are recorded and made available on the Thriving Now website, Community Center Forums, and Youtube channel. You do not need to volunteer in order to get benefit from the tapping and coaching! There's a chat also where members who want more privacy can ask questions for the coach to address.

Emotional safety is important to us all. We seek to take that into account always. Let us know if there is anything we can do to enhance the feeling of safety for you.

Is group coaching right for me?

If you are really independent...

Me too! And... Everybody needs help. (In fact, it is SMART to get help!) There is power in sharing knowledge, skills, and experience. We gather together to support each other and to thrive in this interconnected world… while always preserving our own freedom to make choices that are right for us individually. Group engagement actually helps us develop greater clarity for our own personal life (your ME-space) while also gaining savvy with co-creating (our WE-space).

That said, if your independent streak is intense enough that you really don't want to learn from other people's life experiences, other people make you intensely impatient or frustrated, or you want to focus solely on what's alive for you and you alone, we recommend private sessions instead.

Each member is responsible for their own well-being. We touch on topics across the broadest spectrum of human experience and bring relief and stability and care to even intense feelings together. Thank you for taking care of yourself by saying NO if it is "too much." We also can suggest supportive materials you can use to build your own resiliency alongside support from other professionals.

I am easily triggered...

In our work together, laughter and tears are always welcome. If in your typical triggered state you are currently unable to ground yourself and stay connected enough to your body and thoughts to self-regulate (and we do have tools to help!), please discuss this with us by email to support@thrivingnow.com. 

I have a mental health diagnosis...

We require that members with a specific mental health condition get confirmation from appropriate professionals that group coaching work that will touch on emotional states of being would be HELPFUL, and certainly not harmful or conflict with any medical or psychological treatments or contraindications. Please email us confidentially if that is the case for you. We're delighted to collaborate with other professionals on your team, as appropriate. Emotional Freedom Coaching is a form of life coaching and is definitely not therapy, counseling, or treatment for a specific physical or mental condition. 

Is it easy to cancel my membership?

It's SUPER easy... just email us at support@thrivingnow.com. There's also a 60-day money back guarantee. Circle memberships no longer "expire" as of now. You can, of course, unsubscribe from emails. Monthly supporting memberships can stop their payments (and the private sessions credits) while still remaining a circle member. 

We believe that you’ll find that continuing as an active and engaged Circle Member will absolutely help you move towards your dream of a thriving life… in every respect. Whenever it is time for you to take a break, we will continue to be grateful for the period you participated and supported emotional freedom for all. Members join for a reason, a season, and for long-term connections that endure. All approaches are welcome.

Why do you offer a gliding scale?

Thriving Now is a worldwide community with members from diverse backgrounds and economic situations — so it is clear from just that reality that a single “standard price” cannot work equitably.

And there's more to it...

Many people suffer from the stress of  financial pressures and how it can seem that their "worth" in the world is determined by their capacity to earn money. I know, ridiculous, right? And yet, I've felt it. You probably have felt it, too. I don't know many people who are immune to this systemic, cultural pressure and valuation. It ends up warping what a person feels they "deserve" to spend on their own well-being. 

So... gliding scale in the emotional world isn't just about how much money someone can "afford" when you look at their bank account. It goes to how much someone feels they can "allow" themselves to spend. It's... complicated. It's also so dear to my heart and my own life experience to make emotional freedom accessible that I'll continue to explore how best to structure what Thriving Now offers in a way that supports my clients... and also supports my partner and our children.

Which leads us to your choice: When you join the Emotional Freedom Circle, you'll pick a gliding scale one-time membership fee or monthly fee. It's my intention that your choice feel generous to you. Meaning, I want you feel you're getting A LOT OF VALUE for what you choose to pay us.

It's also my experience that our members also want to be generous with us — with me and my family and with those who are connected to us as co-creators and service providers and broader community.

This means you will be feeling into that "balance point" for yourself... what true for you right now... and choosing. And yeah, not as "black & white" as us saying it is $XXX and you deciding whether it is "worth the money." Instead, we embrace the emotional rainbow of these choices. Any choice you make that is listed is a YES for us. And you can always change your mind at any time! We also seek to apply the gliding scale or payment options to self-paced courses where that is possible.

Full and partial scholarships are also available. Emails us at support@thrivingnow.com.

There's more about Gliding Scale here.

How can I get my personal questions answered?

We know that it can help to get our own personal (and sometimes confidential) questions answered as we step into something new. If that's the case for you right now, please do reach out. You can email us at support@thrivingnow.com. Rick's personal email is Rick@Thrivingnow.com. If you feel the question is one others might have, too, and you feel safe sharing that, use the comments section below and we'll reply to you there. 

We really look forward to you joining us... in all the ways that are RIGHT for you. 

The Thriving Now Circles have been a place for emotional support and resilience building since 2006. Questions and feedback are always welcome at support@thrivingnow.com.

Regardless of your starting point, we’re here to help you move forward toward awesome and emotionally rich life experiences. If you dream of thriving… the circle membership is designed for YOU!

~ 60-Day Money Back Guarantee ~ 
Try It and Experience For Yourself How the Circle Supports Your Thriving!


  • Hi Sara. Thank you for sharing! We love helping people, and have seen some amazing changes from doing this work. AND we have a 30 day money back guarantee… What if you take the parking brake off your life and find the life you’ve always wanted?! (I did!)

    • Karen S. Itin says:

      How has this technique changed other people’s lives? And what does it cost to become trained well enough to coach others with this same technique. How much training time involved?

      Best Regards,

      • Hi Karen! Tapping has been used by millions worldwide who love its effectiveness as a personal stress relief tool. It can and is used by professionals for trauma relief and to shift ingrained limiting beliefs, too. If you’d like to explore more with me, email rick@thrivingnow.com.

  • anne hamso says:

    I’m older! I’ve got so many issues! Where do I tart? Will group coaching help?

    • Hi Anne! We have people in the team in their 70’s, and have had people in their 80s. Is there a way you’d like to EXPRESS yourself in the world where emotional support (and some tapping to clear the specific issues that block you) would help?

  • anne hamso says:

    How does group coaching work? What issues get worked on? How do the issues get chosen!

    • Thanks for asking, Anne. In group coaching with Thriving Now we have a private forum where members ask questions, share experiences, and connect and support one another.

      On group CALLS, those who want to volunteer “raise their hand” and we work for some focused time on what they bring up for coaching and tapping. We’ve seen over 8 years that the human experience has SO much in common, tapping with another group member also helps each of us. So the issues that come up on an “open” call are the things any group member chooses to bring. There are some special topic calls as well, and some study groups on abundance and love & relationships.

      Does that answer your questions? How does this approach feel for you?

  • missmarymac says:

    Hello..I am interested in this. I was curious as to how many people, on average, are on the groups calls?

    • It depends, sometimes as few as 4, or more than a dozen. We mix times across different timezones and days of the week to seek to accommodate everyone.

      • Hmmm… that’s unusual. While I am SLIGHTLY behind on emails this week, “quite a few” emails are unlikely to go unreplied to. Did you want to forward your most recent one to rick.wilkes@gmail.com and then let me know here? I don’t usually offer phone consults prior to private sessions. I can if you want offer you a money back guarantee on the first session if you decide to stop anytime in the first 20 minutes.

        • missmarymac says:

          Thank you! I just sent you an email.

  • We welcome comments and questions here, and also recognize that the vast majority of people exploring team membership have personal questions they’d rather email to us at support@thrivingnow.com. Whatever works for you! We look forward to engaging with you as part of our circle.

  • From Paula G: “One of the things I like best about Thriving Now is the balance of strong male and female energy Rick and Cathy provide. They have created a treasure chest of resources for anyone aching for a life filled with joy and abundance. Whether I’m participating in a call, tapping along with a recorded session, being a member of Thriving Now is like sitting around a campfire with my tribe, toasting marshmallows, watching for meteors and sharing stories.”

  • From Jennifer R: “The coaching program has helped me in identifying the fears behind my emotions which has been a big help. The tapping and coaching calls have helped me to lessen the intensity, release the trauma, and look at things from a different perspective. I have received much relief doing EFT with the support and help from Rick and Cathy on the coaching calls. You are both are so genuine and compassionate. My gratitude is beyond measure. Thank you.”

  • Krista Williams says:

    I LOVE this circle! I have been actively participating in this group for over a year. I have been a part of many online communities, but this one has lasted the longest- Why!? Because we get to know one another deeply, it always feels like the topics speak straight to my heart, and Rick ALWAYS knows what to say to get me back to feeling good. I LOVE this circle!

    PS. TOTALLY try it out. I did the free trial and then became a member because it was WORTH IT. Now, I even upgraded my membership because again, it was WORTH IT. Try the free trail or do sliding scale- for the price of a few coffees, you can tap/circle/thrive with us all month long! <3 <3 <3

  • Thank you so much Rick n Team, The Entire Circle for such a wonderful set of Relief series.All your desire n efforts to support us (me) thrive emotionally is so much appreciated.

  • dieter_kahlmann@yahoo.com says:

    I live in a pretty remote place with limited opportunities for encountering anyone practicing tapping and the CIRCLE gives me the opportunity to interact with people who use the same tool to “work” on themes, issues and challenges to make further progress in becoming emotionally free and even thrive on this path using tapping, my preferred modality under or with guidance from experts like Cathy and Rick and the mutual, respectful support from the other circle members. This program is totally, totally worth it in my opinion – no hype, no sales pressure no marketing overflow just plain quality, so, I recommend, not just to “try” it: join, stick with it and you will be glad that you did.

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